Have Yourself a Merry Yuletide Feasting, the Australian Way

Have Yourself a Merry Yuletide Feasting, the Australian Way

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Lifestyle, Updated On
May 10th, 2024

Although a relatively young nation, Australia is progressive and undoubtedly a thriving, abundant, and rich modern country.

So many things one’s heart desires—accessories, appliances, gadgets, rideable gifts, furnishings, and food, like fruits—are ready for picking. And this guide to an Aussie Yuletide is packed with enjoyable activities and more. Absolute y! There’s always something fun for anyone and everyone.

It’s straightforward to get right into the holiday spirit

Merry Yuletide Feasting

If you’re visiting or new to the country, you may wonder what Christmas looks like ‘Down Under.’ Well, here go s. Mark your calendar.

Christmas in Australia is celebrated on the 25th of December. On this day, presents are exchanged, and lunch or dinner—or both—is shared.

It is a given that Australia is a multicultural country. Many families here also celebrate Christmas on the eve of December 24th, just as they do in other parts of Europe. And it doesn’t stop there.

The day after Christmas is also meaningful—what Australians call Boxing Day. If it falls before the weekend, the following Monday is declared a public holiday, otherwise known as a “long weekend.”

Curious about beavers all? y? Let’s get to know popular Australian Christmas traditions:

Australians love to celebrate Christmas. Exchanging gifts is one Australian tradition; families enjoy big lunches with all the trimmings. Since Christmas falls during the summer, barbecues, seafood, and outdoor games like cricket are popular proclivities. Because it’s summer, many Aussies converge around pools or at the beach for a leisurely tan.

Some families do their version of fun activity by biking around town or up the hilly terrains for a summer nature adventure, riding their Mearth S Pro, Mearth RS, and Mearth GTS electric scooters separately. Come to think of it, it is one thrilling joyride outdoors, happily bonding with the family.

Some Christmas Happenings across Australia:

Sydney is packed with fun, free events during the festive season. Highlights include the Lights of Christmas, where incredible digital stories like “Home” inspire closeness and togetherness and are projected onto St. Mary’s Cathedral. For some last-minute shopping or to enjoy the tradition of a market, The Rocks Christmas Markets are running every Saturday and Sunday in December. Live entertainment amid colourful decorations keeps the holiday spirit buoyed.

In December, Melbourne’s Federation Square transforms into a Christmas Square, with food stalls to sample Santa Claus’s Big Workshop and, of course, the ever-present 16-meter brightly lit tree. And then there’s more! Highlights include the famous Christmas projections, with animations lighting up the State Library of Victoria, Melbourne Town Hall, and Prince Bride. Live street art along Hosier Lane decorates the streets with festive scenes courtesy of creative artists.

It’s picnic time in Brisbane, with free and live performances at the Festive Beats at the South Bank Parklands. Queensland offers a cosy evening, with choices of holiday or blockbuster movies, certainly for free, at the South Bank Christmas Cinema.

Adelaide has its n. A Christmas Festival at the city centre hosts various events alongside free performances by Festive Sounds under the enormous tree in Victoria Square/Tarntanyangga.

Scrumptious Traditional Australian Christmas food – always warm and festive

While every Aussie family can make their spin on traditional Christmas food, the celebration usually revolves around the barbecue—seafood (especially prawns), meats, or vegetables—served with fresh salads, sauces, and bred. For dessert, the mouthwatering Pavlova comes with fruit and cream, pudding, mince pies, fruit cake, and every variation of trifle. Australians love it!

Did you hear that? It’s Kris Kringle, also known as Gift-giving in Australia. 

Merry Yuletide Feasting

The tradition of Secret Santa or Kris Kringle is prevalent in Australia. The general idea is to set a spending limit, and then each person picks a name out of a hat and keeps it secret. You buy a gift for that person, stick to the price limit, and place it under the tree. This way, no one knows who the gifts are from, but everyone gets a present.

Never forget n. Keeping in touch with family and friends overseas

Sending small gifts and holiday cards to one’s family overseas and hosting a virtual party via Zoom is new. Still, it’s one heartwarming way to keep the family bond and connection alive in real-time. Organizing a gathering of loved ones – near or far, as you all enjoy your respective meals over Zoom, and later cap it with a light, festive movie viewing in sync, where families can watch.

As the saying goes, there’s no place like home.

The Christmas Holiday is the perfect time to unwind and relax with your nearest and dearest, gather and recount fond memories, and share warm, lovingly prepared food. Amid simple or basic preparations, the festive trimmings, as they are called, cannot replace the joy of being present, alive, and there for each other, hugging, exchanging gifts, and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

Our loved ones…they’re the ones that truly matter

And like the first family that welcomed a newborn babe in swaddling clothes lying on a humble manger one starry night, let good tidings reign: ‘Peace on Earth and goodwill to all mankind.’ The universal celebration that began over 2,000 years ago will never cease to bring wonders in this technology-riddled world. Dear above all else, because they bind us to our humanity and His Didivinity—season’s greetings to all.

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