The Hamraaz webpage: Providing Empowerment To All Army Officials

The Hamraaz webpage: Providing Empowerment To All Army Officials

Written by Kenneth Sawyer, In General, Updated On
December 14th, 2023

Hamraaz Webpage is a very important digital platform exclusively meant for soldiers from the army in India. It is developed by the Adjutant Generals Branch (MP-8) that enables personnel easy access to various resources as well as different functions thus helping them in administrative process improvement and overall health.

Hamraaz Web can be accessed online and users are welcomed by clearly demarcated “personal login” and “admin login” buttons. Serving soldiers can smoothly log in using their individual LoginID and password while civilians find it impossible to enter. A captch verification is an additional protection measure that ensures the safety of user information.

Upon login, the soldier is welcomed into an intuitive platform that offers them various essential tools and resources. An example of this is the Hamraaz Webpage which serves as an online platform with useful tools including, pay-related information and pension calculators, academic course guides, and frequently asked questions. It enables the soldiers to make sound decisions concerning their careers, financial matters as well and their lives ahead.

Features of Hamraaz Webpage

  1. Access to pension information:

This site allows employees to access and download paychecks for purposes of financial monitoring. This also assists those who want to acquire loans to avoid any errors while making calculations on interest charges. To optimize effective personal time utilization, view leave balances and history. The web also has Pension Calculators which can help you prepare for tomorrow by all means. Determine possible retirement benefits in various situations like promotion and MACP choices as well. The pension management feature also provides a retirement Benefit Survey which can help For policy-making purposes, contribute to surveys conducted by IIM Bangalore on retirement benefits management.

  1. Academic courses:

The site provides several Academic Courses and you can get a complete directory of courses and certificates offered after you grade ten-plus two, as well as make informed decisions relating education you wish to pursue.

  1. Enhanced Communication & Support:

Hamraaz webpage

Share useful comments regarding any issues or concerns while on the site resulting in openness and effectiveness of the system.

Connect with Admins: Have questions or need assistance? Reach out to respective administrators for customized assistance and direction.

  1. Excellent authentication:

The webpage provides Multi-Factor Authentication to protect your personal information use two-factor authentication to secure your account. The site also gives you clear Login Options which will easily differentiate “personal login” from “admin login” making it simpler to access relevant data depending on users’ roles.

  1. Easy access to information:

The site provides a Service Book and you can get a comprehensive copy of your service records that can be accessed on the go at our website. You also get access to news and announcements and can Connect with the Indian Army by keeping abreast with critical information about your country. subsection

Benefits of the Hamraaz webpage

  1. Personalized Support: Are you having trouble going through the bureaucracy or solving a complicated problem? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. You may also talk to designated administrators who provide customizable help just for you. If it’s a back-end issue or administration obstacle, help is one click away.
  2. Career Compass: This makes it easier for you to chart your professional course. A complete handbook that has a detailed description of post 10 + 2 academic opportunities that will help you excel and upgrade your career. Unsure about the SPARSH application? Hamraaz webpage quickly responds to any question regarding the operation that might arise and clarifies everything without complicating matters.
  3. Your Voice Matters: It is not only about accessing information but about being heard. Share opinions, complaints, and experiences directly via the app. The transparent system guarantees that your concerns are sent to the appropriate ones hence there is a chance of a change in the army which will be a good thing.
  4. Security & Simplicity: Do not worry about protecting your data at Hamraaz. There is multi-factor authentication that ensures extra security and user-friendly UI allows to access information easily. You can search for what you want in no time and skip through annoying menus.)
  5. Stay Informed & Connected: Feeling out of the loop? Not anymore! Hamraaz comes with the most recent news and notices at your doorstep as there are many happening issues in the army. Thus, this creates a feeling at home and is like a family; it reminds you that you are among bigger people supporting you at all costs.

How to access the Hamraaz Web Page

Hamraaz webpage

Hamraaz Web login is very simple, you can log in using the following steps:

  1. Visit the official website: Open a new window of your web browser then go to Go to the main Hamraaz’s site.
  2. Choose your login option:

Choose your login optionYou will realize that on the home page, there are two clear choices namely “Personal login” and “Admin login”. “Personal login” is meant for serving JCOs and ORs. You will need your unique login ID and password to access your account. Admin Login: This is intended for authorized staff with assigned managerial functions. The MP-8 MP gives you separate credentials from the Adjutant Generals Branch.

  1. Enter your credentials: As JCO/OR, type in the login id in their given space. Type the new password in the next box.
  2. Complete the captcha verification: Finally, you will be required to solve a captcha verification for an additional security layer. It also ensures that bots do not exploit the channel.
  3. Click “Login”: Enter your username and password and solve the captcha. Submit through the “login” button.
  4. Welcome to Hamraaz: If all is well, you will be taken to your own Hamraaz homepage. You will find everything here that relates to you.


To conclude, the Hamraaz web is not only a login portal but a digital space for the soldiers who ensure that the Indian army remains strong. However, it’s essential to highlight that the Hamraaz Mobile App terminated its running in March 2023. Soldiers are discouraged from using any application that is a clone of Hamraaz – an imitation designed to steal information and money.


1- What is the Hamraaz app used for?

The Hamraaz app enables users to get their service-related information and pension-related knowledge.

2- Who is eligible to use Hamraaz?

Serving JCOs & ORs of the Indian Army can use the Hamraaz website.

3- How can you access the Hamraaz Portal?

You can visit the official webpage:

Then, you can choose the “Personal Login” option & and enter your unique LoginID.

4- Does Hamraaz have Multi-Factor Authentication?

Yes, the Hamraaz app has Multi-Factor Authentication, therefore, providing double security to your account.

5- Does Hamraaz help me in managing finances?

Yes, you can manage your finances through Hamraaz by accessing pay slips for loan applications.

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