The Newest Side Hustle in Pennsylvania

The Newest Side Hustle in Pennsylvania

Written by Kenneth Sawyer, In finance, Updated On
November 28th, 2023

Located in the Northeast of America, Pennsylvania has a long history of hardworking residents, and in recent years, many people have been embracing alternative ways to boost their income. The traditional idea of pursuing a single career is evolving, and the new trend gaining popularity for earning extra money in the state is side hustles.

One of the latest side hustle trends to make waves in the state of Pennsylvania is matched betting, and more specifically, matched betting with the assistance of ProfitDuel. ProfitDuel is a matched betting software that can help turn the pastime of many sports enthusiasts into a potentially profitable side hustle as long as it is used effectively.

What is a Side Hustle

Side Hustle

A side hustle can be anything that you pursue outside of your full-time job in order to generate income. Side hustles are all about making the most of your free time, whether it’s evenings, weekends, or any other pockets of availability. These gigs serve to boost your regular earnings and, at times, let you indulge in what truly interests you. Furthermore, side hustles can come in various forms and can encompass a wide array of activities. Think freelancing, part-time jobs, selling handcrafted goods, performing an art form, running an affiliate site or owning your own business.

Why Start a Side Hustle

There are many perks to starting a side hustle, but most simply, they allow you to boost your potential income and provide you with more flexibility to manage life’s unexpected financial occasions. Plus, they allow you to follow your passions, hobbies, business ventures or creative projects, which can lead to a more enjoyable work-life balance.

What is Matched

Social Betting

Matched betting is a tactic used by people to capitalize on the free bets and bonuses offered by bookmakers or betting companies. This approach involves making two contradictory bets on the same event, ensuring that you’ll end up with a correct prediction regardless of the outcome.

Why Start Matched Betting

Matched betting revolves around a mathematical formula and, therefore, does not require any actual sports knowledge. You do not need to even be interested in the sport you’re betting on as long as you understand how matched betting works. Furthermore, as matched betting revolves around using free bets and promotions provided by bookmakers in tandem with a mathematical system, you can eventually be in a position where you could potentially provide yourself with a consistent income stream from placing these bets. On top of this, as you are placing opposing bets, it eliminates the element of chance usually seen in traditional betting, making it a practical and quite safe choice for a side hustle if done correctly.

How to Start Matched Betting

How AI can help online betting

To set up a matched bet, begin by placing a bet using your own money on a fixture of your choice. We will be placing two bets: a back bet placed with a bookmaker of your choice in order to claim a free bet and a lay bet on the opposite outcome using a betting exchange. The objective is to encompass all possible results, rendering the ultimate outcome irrelevant.

It’s crucial to pick a game with even odds and use a matched betting calculator to find out the precise amount needed to place on the lay bet to guarantee you break even or, at worst, incur a minimal loss. After the initial bet is resolved, the bookmaker will credit your account with a free bet.

Repeat this process with the free bet, placing another back bet and a corresponding lay bet, following the same systematic approach as the first bet. This method means you can lock in margins of profits, all whilst eliminating reliance on chance, converting free credits into real money.

What is ProfitDuel

ProfitDuel stands as a matched betting software equipped with an array of resources, including odds calculators, odds matches, guides, tutorials, and more. This comprehensive toolkit not only educates users on matched betting but also provides the essential software to execute matched bets with maximum effectiveness.

How to Use ProfitDuel


Within ProfitDuel, an array of tools are at your disposal to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your bets. If our description of how to place matched bets was not descriptive enough or you need more support, then ProfitDuel can provide tutorials and other educational tools to help you get started.

They also provide an odds matcher, which is a feature that expedites the identification of odds and offers. It presents a range of evenly matched odds, simplifying the process of discovering qualifying bets and those with higher value.

Another indispensable tool is the ProfitDuel calculator, which crunches the numbers to determine potential profits and losses. This is vital for minimizing losses when placing qualifying bets and providing a preview of expected returns and losses before your wager, allowing you to scout out the best value-matched bets and continually refine your strategy.

ProfitDuel also provides a promotions calendar, a valuable resource for foreseeing upcoming offers and bonuses from various casinos. This forward-planning approach could boost efficiency, aiding in the preparation of your bets and qualification for them.

When these features come together, you could find yourself making more frequent matched bets. You can spot promotions and valuable bets more swiftly, leading to a consistent matched betting experience.


ProfitDuel and matched betting is one of the newest side hustles which has been taken on board by Pennsylvania. If you reside in Pennsylvania or are interested in matched betting, this could be a tool to see if this side hustle opportunity is right for you.

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