High Inbox Rates: Strategies for Successful Email Delivery

High Inbox Rates: Strategies for Successful Email Delivery

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In How To, Published On
December 21, 2023

The significance of email deliverability within your email marketing strategy cannot be overstated. Each email that fails to land in your subscribers’ inboxes translates to a decline in opens, clicks, and potential sales. That’s why awareness of your deliverability is crucial for the whole marketing campaign of your business.

To elevate the revenue from email campaigns, it’s essential to adhere to best practices in deliverability. By following these guidelines, you increase the chances of internet service providers (ESPs) delivering your messages straight to your customers’ inbox folders.

What is a Good Inbox Placement Rate?

Successful Email Delivery

Inbox placement rate (IPR) is a metric that indicates the percentage of emails delivered to the inbox, as opposed to being filtered into spam or other folders. A good inbox placement rate typically exceeds 95%, meaning that at least 95% of your emails successfully land in the primary inbox of your intended recipients.

Factors Influencing Inbox Placement:

  1. Email Authentication: Implementing authentication protocols such as SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) can significantly enhance your inbox placement. These protocols verify the authenticity of your emails, reducing the likelihood of them being flagged as spam.
  2. Relevant and Engaging Content: Craft emails that are not only visually appealing but also provide relevant and valuable content to your audience. Avoid using spam-triggering words and phrases, as these can lead to your emails being marked as spam by email filters.
  3. Consistent Sending Patterns: Maintain a consistent sending schedule to establish a positive sender reputation. Erratic sending patterns, sudden spikes in volume, or long periods of inactivity can trigger spam filters and negatively impact your inbox placement.
  4. Clean and Opt-in Lists: Regularly clean your email lists to remove inactive or invalid email addresses. Sending emails to engaged and opted-in subscribers improves your sender reputation and enhances inbox placement.
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Why is Inbox Placement Important?


  1. Maximizing Reach and Engagement: Emails that land in the inbox are more likely to be seen and engaged with by recipients. Achieving high inbox placement rates ensures that your marketing messages reach the maximum number of intended recipients, increasing the chances of conversions and customer engagement.
  2. Preserving Sender Reputation: Email service providers (ESPs) evaluate sender reputation to determine whether to deliver emails to the inbox or mark them as spam. Consistently high inbox placement rates contribute to a positive sender reputation, which is crucial for long-term email marketing success.
  3. Avoiding Legal Consequences: In some jurisdictions, sending unsolicited emails or engaging in spammy practices can lead to legal consequences. Maintaining a good inbox placement rate by following best practices helps you stay compliant with anti-spam regulations and protects your brand from legal issues.

Strategies to Improve Inbox Placement:

  1. Monitor and Analyze Performance: Regularly monitor your email performance metrics, including open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates. Analyze the data to identify patterns and make informed adjustments to your email campaigns.
  2. Segment Your Email Lists: Segment your email lists based on user behavior, preferences, and engagement levels. Sending targeted and personalized content to specific segments can improve relevance and increase inbox placement.
  3. Test and Optimize: Conduct A/B testing on various elements of your emails, such as subject lines, sender names, and content. Use the insights gained from testing to optimize your campaigns and improve inbox placement over time.

How to Increase Inbox Rate

Speaking about the importance of maintaining a healthy sender reputation and ways to achieve it, first of all, we have to think about a clean and well-checked email list to avoid spam traps. Email list is crucial because it leads to higher engagement, improved sender reputation, and stronger relationships with subscribers.

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You should avoid buying email lists and sending letters to the people on them. You can achieve your marketing goals only by growing your email list organically. For instance, your website can contain some free opt-in incentives, such as eBooks, PDF guides, reports download, etc. But we recommend looking precisely at the quality of the materials that are being offered, they should be well-written, designed, and more enticing than those of your competitors.

Also, explore the impact of relevant subject lines and engaging content. Receiving a response to an email is a strong indicator of positive engagement for ISPs. This level of engagement holds such significance that numerous email experts suggest that when a potential lead responds to initial emails, their likelihood of consistently receiving future content essentially increases.

Remove prospects who are no longer engaged in your newsletter. This important step actively helps improve the quality of your list, and percentages of the engagement that inbox providers detect on your domain. It means you can expect increasing open rates even for new contacts, after executing a disengagement trigger.

Importance of Spam Testing in Email Campaigns


Don’t forget about the importance of email authentication (SPF, DKIM, DMARC) and how it can positively influence deliverability.

However, the main role lies in consistent testing, monitoring, and analyzing email campaign performance for improvements. Understanding the importance of email spam tests is crucial to ensure your email strategy effectively reaches the intended recipients and accomplishes their objectives.

Emails in the spam folder may reflect poorly on your brand’s credibility. Ensuring deliverability to the inbox maintains a positive brand image. With the Inbox Insight tester by GlockApps, you can effectively test your email deliverability and improve your marketing campaign with just a few steps. Check your sender’s reputation regularly because this is a key factor, a score of your trustworthiness assessed by email service providers.

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Overall, qualitative spam tests play a pivotal role in maintaining high deliverability rates, safeguarding sender scores, and maximizing the effectiveness of your promotional initiatives.


Achieving and maintaining a high inbox placement rate is a continuous process that requires attention to detail, adherence to best practices, and a commitment to providing value to your subscribers. By focusing on authentication, relevant content, consistent sending patterns, and list hygiene, you can enhance your email deliverability, maximize engagement, and ultimately drive success in your email marketing campaigns.

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