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How to Delete Your Instagram Account

Delete Your Instagram AccountDelete Your Instagram Account

Delete Your Instagram Account

Facebook, the firm that owns Instagram, continues to be a polarizing topic of conversation. That’s not going to change anytime soon, so if you don’t trust Facebook, you probably shouldn’t trust Instagram either. Follow these steps to permanently deactivate your Instagram account. A billion dollars seemed like a lot when Facebook purchased Instagram in 2012, but in today’s social media landscape, the price tag looks like a steal. Instagram is rapidly expanding, making it one of the most important social media platforms despite its close relationship with Facebook. The steady flow of users leaving Facebook over the past few years has not harmed Instagram.

Disabling Instagram Temporarily

However, there are other Instagram users who are so wary of Facebook that they don’t want anything to do with the company at all. When compared to the numerous hurdles Facebook places in the way of users who wish to remove their accounts, the procedure of deleting an Instagram account is fairly straightforward. Before you delete your Instagram account, you may wish to save your photos.

How to Delete Your Instagram Account

Instagram makes it more difficult to delete posts, which may be seen as either frustrating or helpful, depending on your perspective. Instagram will inquire as to why you wish to remove it. Both your answer and password are required for access. When you are ready to permanently deactivate your account, click the deactivate @username option on this page.

How to delete an Instagram account on Android?

Instagram’s official Android app is great, but for some reason you can’t remove your account from within the app as you can on the iPhone version. It’s strange, but you can easily figure it out by firing up your favorite web browser and following the steps outlined below. You may also cancel your Instagram account from any web browser if you don’t have access to the app on your current phone or if you use an Android device.

All you need is a mobile browser (like Safari or Chrome on your phone) to follow these instructions!

Steps to download your Instagram data on the iPhone and Android app?

Follow these steps to save your Instagram photos and videos to your iOS or Android device:

Tips for Instagram security

Instagram users who are concerned about their personal safety may want to reconsider keeping their account active by learning about the various privacy settings available. The best way to protect yourself from hackers and other snoopers online is to use a virtual private network (VPN) like NordVPN.

Concluding Remarks

Instagram is entertaining, but it also has the ability to compromise your personal safety and even your sanity. Although there are varying points of view on the optimal usage of social media, it is certain that a break is occasionally required. Deactivating or erasing your Instagram account is completely acceptable. When you’re ready to utilize social media again, Instagram and the rest will still be accessible. Whether you want to get rid of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, or Telegram, we’ve got you covered.

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