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10 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Color For Your Window Blinds

Perfect Color For Your Window BlindsPerfect Color For Your Window Blinds

Windows are a key element in interior design, and the right colour of window blinds can make or break the look of your room. Here are 10 tips to help you choose the perfect colour for your window blinds:

Choosing the Perfect Color For Your Window Blinds

Consider the Room and Surroundings

When choosing a colour for your window blinds, take a look around the room and consider the other colours and objects that are already present. This will help you find a colour that will complement and enhance the existing design aesthetic.

Consider Your Personal Preference

Everyone has their own personal preferences when it comes to interior design. Before settling on a colour for your window blinds, consider what colours you like and how they will look in the space.

Choose Subtle Colors

If you’re unsure about which colours to choose for your window blinds, try to go with subtle shades such as whites, tans or greys. These colours won’t overpower the space but still, add a touch of elegance and sophistication.

Decide on Texture or Finish

Depending on the material of your blinds, there may be certain textures or finishes available that can enhance their appearance further. Matte finishes tend to be less bold and more subtle while glossy finishes make statement pieces in any room.

Create Contrast

Adding contrast to a room can be accomplished easily by mixing light and dark hues in various places throughout the space, including on your window blinds! Try using an unexpected pop of vibrant colour against richer tones for an eye-catching effect that stands out from afar.

Don’t Match Everything Else

While making sure that all of the colours within a room are complementary is important, it is also important not to match everything too closely together; this can create monotony instead of depth in decorating schemes! Creating contrast between different elements can add interest throughout any given space – including with window treatments such as blinds!

Pay Attention To Window Size & Lighting Conditions

The size of your windows and how much natural light enters them should influence which colours you choose for your window blinds! Darker colours often absorb more heat while lighter colours reflect light back into the room; pay attention to these conditions when selecting colours so that you don’t end up with something too hot or cold inside!

Get Samples & Swatches

Generally speaking, getting samples or swatches before committing to any specific color scheme is always recommended when redesigning or redecorating any given space! Be sure to request some from whatever store you’re purchasing materials from (such as fabric swatches) so you can see how they actually look in person before investing time/money into them!

Know Your Color Schemes & Combinations

Knowing different types of colour schemes – such as monochromatic, complementary etc.- is another great way to narrow down which colours would best complement one another when coordinating window treatments throughout multiple rooms (within one home)! Being familiar with these terms also helps guide decisions on what combinations would look better together so you don’t get overwhelmed by choices available out there today!

Consider Professional Advice

Sometimes it might be worth consulting professionals if feeling extra undecided about which direction to go – especially if renovating/redecorating multiple rooms at once! An interior designer could provide excellent advice on what works well together within each context + suggest additional ideas that maybe hadn’t thought of before diving into this project headfirst.


Choosing blinds by Reynolds Blinds for your windows can be a fun and creative task that adds a perfect touch of character to any room. When selecting colours, remember to consider existing design aesthetics, personal preferences, subtle hues, textures/finishes, contrast combinations, window size & lighting conditions, samples/swatches and colour schemes. Most of all, don’t be afraid to ask for professional advice if feeling extra undecided – this task can be overwhelming but with a few tips, it will become much easier! Good luck!

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