How to Complete The White Bird’s Guidance in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?

How to Complete The White Bird’s Guidance in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?

Written by Kenneth Sawyer, In Games, Published On
November 22, 2023

Many shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom may be found and solved by solving their puzzles, although some must be unlocked first. Game Shrine Quests are lengthy sequences that do what they sound like. The White Bird’s Guidance Shrine Quest begins with Laissa, a Rito from Rito Village, having trouble remembering the location of a cave she found. Your only clue? ‘White bird,’ observed from Vah Medoh’s perch

How to Finish White Bird’s Guidance?

This quest begins with climbing to Vah Medoh’s perch. Rito Village’s central mountaintop ledge overhangs. From Rito Village’s upper level, ascend via the overhands to reach the perch. After arriving, wait until morning (or skip it with a campfire). At 6:00 am, inspect Vah Medoh’s perch shadow and the ‘beak’ for a bird-shaped white patch of snow. Find the cave Laissa mentioned by gliding there. The white bird is at -3954, 2035, and 0205. You may need Tulin’s just to get there if you’re tired!

The cave entrance is the white bird’s ‘beak’. The small, modest cave leads to Wao-os Shrine. However, a ledge halfway through leads to an adjoining area with this cave’s Bubbul Frog, so watch out for it. Ice crystals hang from the ceiling at the entryway.

Complete Wao-os Shrine: Use Power

the white birds guidance

Due to its many elements, this shrine might seem scary at first. Leverage the plank at the ledge to shoot a ball at the targets in front of you. Bowl, ball, and cube are your options.

Complete the first shrine section by following these steps:

  • Mount the bowl on the shrine’s entry ‘lever’.
  • Put the ball in the bowl without attaching it.
  • The ball will go ahead when the cube is dropped on the lever half above the pit.

Hit the first, lower target to unlock the gate next to you and earn a wooden board. Extend the wooden board at the lever edge closest to the entry and slide the bowl to the new end. Repeat the process, launching the balls with the cube and adjusting the drop height. Longer levers make balls fly farther. Stand in the bowl to fling yourself over after hitting the second target and unlocking the shrine’s exit. With that in hand, propel yourself to the exit correctly and collect your blessing of light.

Where is White Bird in Tears of the Kingdom: White Bird’s Guidance Quest?

the white birds guidance

The “white bird” is located at (-3948, 2036, 0202) along the way northwest of Rito Village. The “white bird” is actually a snow silhouette of a bird. You can discover the cave beside it without looking for birds or shadows, but if you want to find the “bird,” continue on. Let’s start with the best view.

  1. Climb Vah Medoh’s Perch

The huge rock feature over Rito Village is Vah Medoh’s perch. Climb the rock’s steps to utilize Link’s ascend for passage. You’ll discover several ways to effortlessly climb the perch; the most important thing is getting there.

  1. Await morning

Early at dawn, the white bird perches in the perch’s shade, according to the search. Around 5:00 AM–6:00 AM in-game time. From the perch, I started a bonfire with flint and wood and sat by it until 5:00 AM.

  1. Face the Shadow

the white birds guidance

You must look west to discover Vah Medoh’s shadow since the sun rises in the east. The screenshot below shows the overall direction. Look attentively to identify the elusive white bird. Not seeing it? Use the Purah Pad to zoom in.

The White Bird’s Guidance Quest in Tears of the Kingdom concludes. Travelling through Hebra is chilly and snowy, so have a few cold-resistant elixirs in your pack.

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