What is professional indemnity insurance? Why and Who should get it?

What is professional indemnity insurance? Why and Who should get it?

Written by Alison Lurie, In Business, Updated On
July 6th, 2024

As a professional, you strive to offer the best services to your clients, but what if something goes wrong?

What if you tried your best to deliver the service, but the client is not happy and wants to raise a claim?

In this case, professional indemnity insurance (PII) can help you get out of the situation. Let’s dive deeper and understand what professional indemnity insurance is. Who should get it and why?

What is professional indemnity insurance?

indemnity insurance

Professional indemnity insurance (PII) is an insurance policy offering financial protection to professionals against negligence claims or errors in their provided service. It covers the cost of defending claims and paying compensation or damages to the person claiming it.

This type of insurance is essential for maintaining a professional reputation and protecting businesses in the fields of law, finance, healthcare, IT, and others.

Who should get professional indemnity insurance?

Any professional who provides consultation, design, or other services to clients should consider getting professional indemnity insurance. Generally, professionals who are at risk of being sued for mistakes or omissions in their professional work purchase this insurance.

If you’re in the service industry and thinking about whether you should get this insurance or not, then we advise you to consult with an insurance professional such as Tego to determine the specific insurance requirements based on the profession and its risks.

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Why should you get professional indemnity insurance?

The following are the benefits of getting professional insurance:

  • Credibility

Professional indemnity insurance enhances the brand image of your business and increases its trustworthiness. In addition, as more businesses prefer to work with insured companies, having professional indemnity insurance gives them confidence that they are covered if something goes wrong.

This reassures clients and investors that they will not be indirectly affected by any unexpected claims. This benefit of professional indemnity insurance is essential, particularly for freelance professionals seeking to work with larger companies, such as a coach who trains clients at a consultation company.

  • Reputation

Similar to credibility, it also helps in protecting the professional reputation of individuals or businesses when confronted with a claim. Claims that are not handled professionally and promptly can lead to damaging consequences for a business’s reputation.

With professional indemnity insurance, a business can ensure that it can afford the best legal representation and receive expert advice on how to respond to claims effectively.

However, you should remember that professional indemnity insurance only applies to claims arising from accidental negligence and will not cover intentional wrongdoing by a company.

  • Saves times

Professional indemnity insurance has the significant advantage of avoiding complete work interruption and saving time. With this insurance, professionals and businesses can continue their work duties, and it helps them to deal with any claims more effectively, providing them with professional support to expedite the process.

Additionally, it allows individuals to overcome claims without any damage to their business and carry on with their work without interruption.

  • Financial protection

Another major advantage of professional indemnity insurance is its financial protection. Professional indemnity insurance can be a financial lifesaver for businesses since claims can be expensive. Resolving a claim’s cost can be so high that it can ruin and even force the closure of a business.

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Therefore, professional indemnity insurance covers expenses such as legal fees, compensation, and defense costs reimbursed by the insurance. It can be helpful to get the best professional assistance when facing claims and navigating through tough times.

  • Peace of mind

Having this insurance, business owners can have peace of mind while running their businesses. With professional indemnity insurance, businesses need not worry about claim risks before they occur. The insurance will cover an extensive range of risks and help them move on from any unfortunate incidents.

As a result, business owners can confidently focus on performing their best without stress, allowing them to focus on the present for a successful future.


Acquiring appropriate insurance is a crucial initial measure that every business owner and professional should undertake to avoid and manage risks. With the benefits offered, professional indemnity insurance makes it a valuable investment. Moreover, this will also provide coverage for employees and their professional liability. All in all, it’s the right choice for someone in a service-based business.

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