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5 Best VPN Alternatives in 2024

5 Best VPN Alternatives

In Short:

  1. Zero-Trust Network Access: Provides comprehensive confidentiality by limiting network access even within internal users.
  2. SSH Tunnels: This service offers encrypted tunnels for secure data exchange, similar to VPNs, but focuses on encryption.
  3. Software-defined Perimeter (SDP) and Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) are dynamic security protocols that authenticate users and provide secure connections, reducing attack surfaces.

Privacy and confidentiality are necessities online, especially regarding sensitive data exchange or online transactions.

VPN, short for Virtual Private Network, is a technology that helps websites and networks maintain confidentiality and integrity in online communication. It is a go-to option for every small and large company to safeguard its network. However, with technological advancements, better and cheaper VPN replacements were born.

This blog discusses VPN alternatives and the best options in the market in 2024!

What are Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)?

A VPN is a digital technology that establishes a secret, secure, encrypted connection on the Internet. This allows users to exchange information and carry out online transactions in secrecy.

This tunnel keeps all unauthorized traffic from finding the network by searching for a safer and farther route to the other end.

Nowadays, there are different VPN replacements on the market. Let’s look at the best VPN alternatives available for your network.

5 Best VPN Alternatives in 2024

Zero-trust network access is a security model for networks that need complete confidentiality. With a VPN, even if your network is hidden from the outside world, users within it can access it without further authentication.

That is how zero-trust and VPN are different. With the zero-trust model, the user is shielded from the network and the Internet, so they do not gain access to parts of the network to which they are not permitted.

Secure Shell Tunnels, or SSH tunnels, offer a secret tunnel to exchange data and information online. This is done with the help of encryption and decryption technology.

They work on similar levels to VPNs since they provide this tunnel or secure space for your online communication. This can be a fantastic option for your enterprise’s VPN alternative.

A Software-defined Perimeter (SDP) is a network security protocol that offers a dynamic and customized approach to your network’s security. SDP authenticates and authorizes users’ identities by verifying them, which grants access to definitive and classified resources or applications only then.

It is one of the most widely known security systems because it benefits the network by reducing the surface area of potential attacks and enhancing security. It is also a great VPN replacement.

SASE, or Secure Access Service Edge, can be an excellent alternative for VPNs since it provides great security online. As the name suggests, it protects secure connections.

It integrates the software-defined vast area network and other security services. It allows users to connect to their network anywhere worldwide while providing a safe and secure environment.

Proxies are mediators or intermediaries between the users and the rest of the Internet. It forwards login requests on behalf of the user. That said, it is not as secure as a VPN, but it is very affordable and does the work.

Ending Notes

These were the best VPN alternatives for 2024. The digital security landscape changes daily, so you must stay current regarding rising technologies. If a digital security tool, like zero-trust network access or proxies, provides a more secure environment than a VPN, you can go for it.


What makes Zero-Trust Network Access different from VPNs?

Zero-Trust Network Access restricts internal user access, ensuring stringent confidentiality, whereas VPNs primarily focus on securing external connections to the network.

Are SSH Tunnels as secure as VPNs?

SSH Tunnels provide encryption for data exchange, offering comparable security to VPNs for online communication.

How does Software Defined Perimeter (SDP) enhance network security?

SDP verifies user identities before granting access to specific network resources, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and potential attacks.

What is the advantage of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) over traditional VPNs?

SASE integrates software-defined networking and security services, providing secure connections globally while offering enhanced security measures.

Are proxies a reliable alternative to VPNs?

Proxies act as intermediaries between users and the Internet, forwarding requests, but they lack VPNs’ comprehensive encryption and security features.

Why should one consider exploring alternatives to traditional VPNs?

With evolving digital security threats, staying updated on emerging technologies like zero-trust network access and SDP ensures a proactive approach to safeguarding networks.

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