Should You Focus on SEO or PPC?
Your goal is to attract more customers to your website. But, you have been debating on the best strategy to achieve this. Should you concentrate on SEO to boost traffic to your site? Will PPC be a better way to get the leads you seek? It can be difficult to know the best approach if you are new to this space.
The truth is that SEO and PPC can positively affect your website. Namely, they both have positive ways to boost traffic. So, you want to explore each option in more detail before you jump to conclusions. Here is a guide to help you decide what your focus should be.
The Advantages of SEO
Know that most websites have an SEO strategy. This is particularly true if they are appearing high up on Google rankings. Indeed, working on a strategy consistently has a variety of advantages. Let’s explore some of them.
Boost to Organic Traffic
Traffic increases mean nothing if the people visiting are not interested in your products or services. You want to attract quality traffic that is looking for what you are offering. SEO is a way you can achieve this goal. You are using strategies to boost your ranking on Google, which allows you to be discovered by the right people.
You should note that some SEO agencies also offer PPC services. Thus, taking a combined approach to achieve results. For example, this is something that ClickSlice offers. You can read the benefits of combining our SEO and PPC services on the website. Plus, the team will be happy to discuss this in a call.
Work on Brand Awareness
You want to make a name for yourself, no matter your industry. So, how do you do this? One way is to work on optimisation. This brings brand awareness since you are increasing your visibility on the internet. This is how people search for the things they want. So, they will start to see your brand. When you are trustworthy, it becomes easier to secure sales. Your reputation speaks for itself.
Customers Trust You
It is no secret that customers are hard to please. Things used to be much simpler, and factors like low prices could attract the masses. Now, you have to work twice as hard to get customers to trust you. This is made more difficult when you have direct competition. Unfortunately, you should know that some people will not trust you when you appear as an ad on Google. This is why SEO makes you more trustworthy. They believe you are at the top of Google rankings for a reason other than paying for it.
Steady Progress
Some companies like the fact that SEO offers gradual results. It allows their teams to keep up with the increase in customers. When this is the case, they can offer the best customer service and ensure they keep up with orders. Otherwise, they can have a sudden influx of orders that will experience delays. This does not give a good first impression to clients.
The Benefits of PPC
Now it is time to consider the advantages of a PPC campaign. They work slightly differently from SEO. They require slightly less monitoring, but they are not work-free. Here are the benefits of running this type of campaign.
Fast Traffic Boosts
One of the great things about PPC is that you will appear highly on search engines. This allows for quick traffic boosts. More people will come to your website because you are noticeable in adverts. Then, when people have landed on your site, you can enjoy more sales.
A Cost-Effective Option
Most businesses are concerned with the price of SEO and PPC. Thus, they want to select a cost-effective solution. The good thing about PPC is that you will only be paying when your campaign is successful, thus, only when a person clicks through to your website. Most business owners agree that this is worth the price since they can secure a sale.
Measurable Results
The key is any successful SEO or PPC campaign is adaptation. In other words, if something is not working, you change things based on the information you acquire. Thankfully, PPC offers measurable results. You can see the effectiveness of campaigns and then adjust them.
A Targeted Approach
You can ensure that your PPC campaigns are reaching your intended audience. This is because you can choose things like keywords, location and language. It will increase your opportunity to gain sales since you are targeting those that are going to be most interested in your products or services.
Why an Inclusive Strategy Makes Sense
As you have read, both SEO and PPC offer benefits to your company. You might be in a position where you find it difficult to select a strategy. Well, know that you do not always have to make this decision. As we have mentioned, some SEO agencies offer both of these services to you. Consequently, you can have an inclusive strategy that includes SEO and PPC. You can work on your organic ranking plus have a PPC campaign running.
Therefore, you can gain both advantages with an inclusive strategy. This combined service from an experienced agency will boost your website traffic and more people interested in your products and services. Then, this can lead to more sales.