How to Use Content Marketing to Grow Your Business

How to Use Content Marketing to Grow Your Business

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Marketing, Updated On
July 17th, 2024

Startups are companies that are still in the early stages of operations. These companies believe that their services and products have demand. The companies aim to grow as fast as possible by providing services that may be sought out. As a result, they need to form a means of getting their name out there.

Startups would use content marketing to establish a presence. Before proceeding further, what is content marketing? Content marketing advertises your company through online publications. This is a tried and tested form of indirect advertising that aims to catch people’s interest.

By making content that is useful and informative, startups can connect with their target audience and build a loyal following. This can lead to more sales and income over time.

Why should startups use content marketing?

Content Marketing

There is one goal that content marketing aims to accomplish for startups. To build hype around their brand and products. Without hype, there will be no one who will show genuine interest in what they offer. By building up hype and advertising the brand, people become even more curious.

As mentioned earlier, building up hype develops your brand’s presence. In turn, because you offer something of value to your customers. You provide a solution in the form of a product or service for your clients. The more people know your brand, the more you are seen as an authority in that niche.

What are the steps to consider before creating content?

Before you make a content strategy and publish content for your audience, there are some things to think about. It’s a step-by-step process with some intricacies and quirks to take note of. By following these steps, your form of digital marketing could take your brand off the ground.

The steps are as follows:

  • Determine the stage at which to invest in content marketing

One mistake that many startups make is that they invest in digital marketing right out of the gate. The correct way to do this is to wait and then determine when the right time to create content. You are still in the seed round since you’re looking for a niche to fill. You don’t want to go all in with your money in content marketing right away.

  • Set the foundation for growth.

Months or a year have passed, and your startup has grown a bit. Now, it’s time to lay the foundation to take your brand off the group. A website and a brand presence are what you need to form this growth foundation.

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User-friendliness is key to visitor retention on websites. It must pass the SEO optimization. A good and optimized website will attract plenty of visitors. Make sure to have backlinks from excellent sources to build up your site’s authority.

  • Set goals. Measure your success

For content marketing for startups to be a huge success, you need to set goals and track them. You will need to use key performance indicators. These KPIs will show whether your content marketing strategy is working or not. You’ll be monitoring the metrics for some time.

Aside from the KPIs, you’ll need to set goals and identify priorities. The goals that you’ll need to work on first are the following:

  • Generating traffic
  • Backlinks
  • Driving more visitors to your website

Once you’ve set your goals and KPIs, you will check them over the next few weeks or months. You’ll need to spot trends and low points so you can form proper strategies.

  • Keyword analyzing

You’ll need to analyze relevant keywords for your niche. You’ll have to pull up this list of keywords and metrics. They’ll help you identify which keywords are valuable for your website. The analysis will help you use the right keywords so you can drive more website traffic.

  • Create unique and excellently-done content.

Be creative and stand out! Use that creative mind of yours to form a diverse array of content that will pique people’s interest. It is a way to outrank your competitors and prove the value you present.

Keep in mind that Google is also a factor in your content. They are always searching for content that stands out. In general, both Google and users are looking for proof that your content has value. The more value you present, the more likely you will be visible to more people.

  • Diversify your content work.

Sticking to your guns may be nice in the beginning, but it will lose steam later on. The graphics that “wow” your viewers? It might start to become repetitive for them. The videos that you post often? While it may get engagements, it won’t be as many as you did before.

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What viewers want is a mix of content. Not the same material over and over again. The aim here is to make your viewers come back for more. A mix of videos, graphics, and other interactive content will drive more people to your brand.

Other contents to consider

Content Marketing

The steps mentioned above aren’t the only ways you can gain traction. There are a few more content types for you to take note of if you want to drive more interest in your startup. This content will give you more ideas for your content strategy.

Here they are as follows:

  • SEO Content:

These types of content are optimized to rank for specific words. The primary goal of this type of content is to answer the reader’s question. In turn, these posts would pave the way for more users to read the optimized content. SEO marketing is, in fact, one more means to drive interest to your startup.

  • Promotable Content:

Any form of promotable content can capture the attention of people surfing the internet. Promotable content is varied; it ranges range from infographics, guides, and case studies. These are a form of manual promotion for your brand. Make sure that the promotable answers the reader’s question or piques their curiosity.

Cross-post your content!

The success of your content is measured by how many people have seen it. To meet this requirement, you’ll need to cross-post your content. Use social media marketing strategies. Post your content on your personal Twitter or Facebook page.

You’re not only going to post the graphics and videos you’ve made. You’ll also need to post guest spots on blogs and guest appearances on streams or podcasts. The whole idea of including these contents in what you’ll promote is to build your authority. A combination of graphics, videos, and guest appearances confirms your expertise in this niche.

What to avoid in content marketing for startups

How to Write Perfect Content to Promote Your Business

Now that you know how to approach content marketing, here are the things you need to avoid. Keep in mind that as long as you avoid doing what’s going to be mentioned in a bit, your brand will be fine. Otherwise, these actions will damage your brand and authority.

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The actions are the following:

  • Mindlessly copying competitors

Understandably, you want to eclipse your competitors. But mindlessly mimicking their strategy isn’t going to end well. Whatever strategy your competitor used isn’t going to work for you. Everyone has their own style.

Copying may be a form of flattery, but in this case, it is not. If you want to be truly seen, be unique. Stand out among the rest; don’t become someone else’s shadow. You’ll need to come up with a strategy that defines your style and your vision.

  • Steal or plagiarize content.

This one is an unspoken yet followed rule. Please do not steal or plagiarize content, as it will tarnish your brand’s reputation. If you’re caught in the act doing this, the backlash is so huge that it’s hard to recover from it. Create original content!

  • Underestimating the cost and quality of a content strategy

It’s important to take both the quality and cost of the content into consideration. Should you show a disregard for both, you’ll lose your edge in creating remarkable brand stories and getting engagement. Keep in mind that a well-done brand impression lasts forever.

  • Too “me-centric”

Sometimes, engaging with your community must be checked. Too much engagement with them sometimes turns into a hindrance. Understandably, you wish to share your unique content and be in the spotlight. But doing this too much may make your community lose trust in you.


Growing your startup business can be rocky at the beginning. It takes a lot of persistence and creativity to reach greater heights. This is why content marketing is considered a tried and tested solution for brands to gain traction. Keep in mind that this content creation takes time, resources, and patience to work; if it doesn’t work, then continue experimenting.

Reaching the lofty heights that you wish for your business to get isn’t instant; overnight success is a myth. Treat your content marketing strategies as if they’re like a story, a journey, or a seedling that becomes a tree. Form engaging content that tells people your brand’s story, and they could support your work. Who knows? You might meet the vision that your brand aims for if you take the tips provided here to heart.

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