The Recipe For a Great Night Out

The Recipe For a Great Night Out

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Lifestyle, Updated On
July 17th, 2024

After a long week, you deserve to go out and have a good time, but there are so many varying factors that have the potential to ruin your night out. What if you end up too drunk to the point where you puke or end up hungover? What if you end up in a shady situation? What if you end up doing something that sober you wouldn’t approve of? As boring as it might sound to have to plan out your fun, having a list of do’s and don’ts for your night out can keep it from becoming a disaster. So, here are some ways to guarantee that you’ll have a good time!

How To Do a Great Night Out

Great Night Out

Safety First

You might roll your eyes and sarcastically mutter something like, “Oh, yeah, nothing screams fun like safety,” but prioritizing safety is so important to guarantee that you have a fun time because nothing kills the mood faster than a medical emergency. Did you know that at least 10,000 people die from drunk driving accidents each year in the United States–and in recent years, the state of Illinois has accounted for nearly 1,000 of these deaths?

That’s approximately 28 people dying from drunk driving accidents every single day for a whole year. These deaths are so easily preventable, which is why you should have a plan for nights when you’re going out and drinking so that you don’t add to this statistic as either a perpetrator or a victim.

The most important thing to consider is how you’re going to get home at the end of the night. Suppose you live in a big city like Chicago. In that case, you’re lucky enough to have the convenience of public transportation like the ‘L’ trains and a variety of rideshare apps like Uber and Lyft at your fingertips, so you and your friends can all have a few drinks and still feel confident that you’ll get home safe. Of course, depending on the part of the city you live in, the trains might not run for a full 24 hours, and it can be much more difficult to find rides once the night starts to bleed into the morning.

If you and your friends feel the need to drive your car to guarantee that you’ll have a way to get home, then one friend must be labeled as the designated driver–this friend should not drink throughout the night. To make things fair, you and your group should switch off who drives each time you go out; that way, everyone has the opportunity to let loose and have fun, and no single person is stuck, always bearing all of the responsibility.

Don’t ‘Blame it on The Alcohol’

A lot of people will use alcohol as an excuse to go crazy and make poor decisions, but this excuse won’t prevent you from having to face the consequences the next day. Whatever you do, do not do something foolish like texting your ex. Many young people are investing in old-school, prepaid flip phones to take with them to the clubs and only filling their contacts with the numbers of the friends they’re going out with that night.

This way, they don’t even have the option to send any risky texts or dm’s that they might regret in the morning. Of course, with phones like these, using rideshare apps isn’t an option, so it’s best to use them only if you or a friend is driving or if you have public transportation readily available to you.

Dressing For The Evening

It’s important to get all dressed up in a way that makes you feel confident, but there’s no reason why you should have to sacrifice comfort to do so. Instead of a minidress and 3-inch stiletto heels, maybe you could opt for a sleeveless bustier top, a cute pair of high-waisted pleather pants or ripped jeans, and a pair of statement sneakers to tie it all together. If you’re partial to the idea of a dress and heels, then at least opt for some block heels instead of a thinner style. These will be easier to dance on, and you’ll be less likely to be carrying them around by the end of the night, forced to walk barefoot along the streets of downtown Chicago.

In addition to the comfort of your look, you want to make sure you prioritize its endurance. You’re going to be dancing all night in overcrowded clubs, so you’ll likely end up sweating. To keep your makeup from running or smudging too much, make sure you use waterproof products and top your look off with some translucent setting powder or setting spray to ensure that everything stays in place through the end of the evening.

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