How To Promote Fire Safety In Your Workplace?

How To Promote Fire Safety In Your Workplace?

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Home Decor, How To, Updated On
April 9th, 2024

Like our homes, workplaces are also prone to fires. The workplace includes our office buildings, construction sites, laboratories, industrial cabins, etc. Every place has a risk of fire breakout that can lead to massive destruction. The reason could be an electrical short circuit in the office kitchen or someone smoking in the corridor.

According to the government, more than 25000 fire incidents occur in England and Wales annually. While some businesses recovered, others suffered significant losses and even shut down. Hence, fire safety must be promoted in the workplace.

Most of us are familiar with some essential fire safety tips, but many are unaware of what to do when a fire erupts. Fire safety is more than stopping, dropping, rolling, and keeping fabrics away from heaters. Since fire safety education is essential, an employer must educate the staff on fire safety with training programs and fire drills.

A few workplace safety tips will help you understand critical areas for fire prevention and promote fire safety.

How To Promote Fire Safety In Your Workplace?

Install Fire Detection Systems

For any commercial or residential building, it is necessary to install a fire detection system. This includes using fire alarms, smoke, and fire detectors. These devices automatically trigger an alarm when they detect smoke or burning flames in a room. If manual alarms are installed at the workplace, teach the employees how to operate them in case of a fire.

Formulate an Emergency Plan

An emergency plan includes fire safety policies and procedures. This should consist of familiarization with all emergency exits and awareness of warnings and evacuation procedures.

Make Escape Routes

escape plan

This is another essential element of the emergency plan. There should be fireproof escape routes that lead the employees to safety. An escape route should be well-lit and have clear signs. Employers should plan fire escape routes in collaboration with local fire authorities and design them per standards.

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Hire a Fire Warden

Employers should hire people to train and assist other employees in fire safety. They should also help in the evacuation during the fire. These people are called Fire Wardens. They are trained professionals in fire safety awareness and have hands-on experience in using fire-fighting equipment.

Understanding Fire Extinguishers

fire extinguisher

The staff should be familiar with every type of fire prevention equipment available at the workplace. This also includes familiarization with fire extinguishers and their types. Workplaces must have carbon dioxide or fire extinguishers installed every 200 square meters.

Install Emergency Lights

emergency lights

All escape doors and routes should be well-lit. Well-lit warning signs should be at each door, corridor, floor level, and even at turns. The staircase should also have emergency lights installed with sufficient battery backup. It is also essential to test these lights regularly.

Fire Safety Signs

The fire safety signs installed on the premises must be bold, clear, and visible to everyone. The letters should be clear, direct the right way, and contain pictures so anyone can easily understand them. They should also be well-lit or fluorescent to work well even when there is no power, and the room is dark.

Train Your Staff


The staff should be given necessary fire safety training, including how to raise the alarm, familiarize themselves with fire wardens, and familiarize themselves with escape routes and evacuation plans. Everyone should know where the assembly point is and which escape route leads to what place.

Practice Fire Drills

Evacuation fire drills prepare employees for the worst. It enables them to know what to do and where to go in case of a fire. Fire drills must be carried out annually or twice yearly, at least if any physical changes occur in the building or workplace premises. It is essential to carry out a fire drill as soon as possible to get familiar with new escape routes and assembly points.

Maintain Good Housekeeping

Employees should also be trained to maintain good housekeeping. Flammable and combustible materials should not be kept for longer. Extra cardboard boxes and waste papers should also be disposed of regularly. Employees should not leave electrical switches open or overload them. All electrical equipment should be kept away from liquids. Such practices help maintain good housekeeping and prevent fire eruptions.

While these steps promote good housekeeping, taking the following precautions for workplace safety is essential.

Many of us have been doing fire drills at schools and colleges; however, it doesn’t mean we know everything required to stay safe from a fire incident. Also, having vast experience with fire drills doesn’t make us experts in knowing what to do when a fire erupts. This is because every location is different, and the fire type may also vary. Hence, assuming that everyone has prior knowledge will be wrong. So, every employer should arrange fire drills for their staff irrespective of what prior knowledge they have. It should be practised regularly, either once or twice a year, depending on physical changes at the workplace.

An employer also must keep their staff informed of any physical and geographical changes in the workplace so that everyone knows where is what. Moreover, the fire fighting system should be checked and maintained regularly to ensure maximum safety of employees. Employers should install innovative and intelligent Business Access Control Systems that unlock whenever a fire incident occurs so employees can evacuate safely and reach the assembly point.

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