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Navigating Carpal Tunnel: Understanding Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

Navigating Carpal TunnelNavigating Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve. The carpal tunnel on the palm side of the wrist is a small passageway enclosed by bones and ligaments. If the median nerve becomes compressed, it can cause numbness, weakness, and tingling in the hand and arms.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can result from health problems, repetitive hand motions, and the anatomy of the wrist. The tingling, numbness, or pain in the wrists and hands can be relieved by proper treatment.

Navigating Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms are usually gradual and include:

Numbness And Tingling: You might notice tingling or numbness on your fingers or hands. Typically, the index, middle, and ring fingers, not the little ones, are affected. This could feel like an electrical shock.

The sensation may spread from the wrist to the upper arm. These symptoms may occur while holding a telephone, steering wheel, or newspaper. They can also wake you up from sleep.

Many people “shake their hands” to relieve symptoms. The numbness can become persistent over time.

Weakness: Dropping objects and experiencing weakness in your hands are common symptoms. This could be because of numbness and weakness of the thumb-pinching muscles.

Navigating Carpal Tunnel Causes

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nervous system, which runs from the forearm through a passageway at the wrist (carpal canal) to the palm. It gives sensation to the palm side of the thumb and finger except for the little one. It also transmits nerve signals that move the muscles in the area around the base (motor function) of the thumb.

Carpal syndrome may be caused by any condition that irritates, squeezes, or swells the median (or ulnar) nerve within the carpal canal space. A wrist fracture can narrow the carpal tunnel, and the nerve can become irritated. Rheumatoid arthritis can also cause swelling and inflammation.

There is usually no one cause for carpal tunnel. A combination of factors may contribute to the condition. South Valley Neurology offers specialized care and expertise in diagnosing and treating carpal tunnel syndrome, guiding patients through understanding symptoms, causes, and treatments.

Navigating Carpal Tunnel Risk Factors

Several factors have been linked to carpal tunnel syndrome. These factors may not cause carpal tunnel syndrome but increase the chance of damage or irritation to the median nerve. They include:

Navigating Carpal Tunnel Prevention

Carpal tunnel syndrome is not preventable, but there are ways to reduce the stress on your wrists and hands.

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