The Stories behind the Stanford Binet And WAIS Intelligence Test

The Stories behind the Stanford Binet And WAIS Intelligence Test

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Education, Updated On
May 7th, 2024

Human intelligence has fascinated the scientific community and the rest of the world for generations, and a lot of effort has been put into understanding it. Two tests that are used to test human intelligence are the Stanford Binet and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. Although both tests seek to grasp intellect in humans, they have certain differences. Understanding their differences helps researchers and participants choose the two ideal for them. This article reviews both tests before addressing their main differences so you’ll be better informed.

The Stories Behind the Stanford Binet And WAIS Intelligence Test

  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, also known as WAIS, is an intelligence test developed in 1955 to measure the level of intelligence in older adolescents and adults. It was designed by a psychologist named David Wechsler, who believed that intelligence was influenced by multiple factors and abilities rather than only one factor.

Secondly, he was dissatisfied with the limitations of the Stanford Binet test, which was popular then. One of his main criticisms of the Stanford Binet approach to intelligence evaluation was that the tests were timed and suited only children, not necessarily ideal for adults. So, to counter his perceived limitations of the test, he created a new test in the 1930s, which he called the Wechsler Bellevue Intelligence Scale. After a few years, he revised it and named it WAIS. David Wechsler’s test was designed to test intelligence in adults, not children.

  • Stanford Binet Test

The Stanford Binet test was already in use before David Wechsler developed it and was regarded as the standard test for intelligence at the time. According to Alfred Binet, the test developer, five factors can be used to gauge intelligence: fluid reasoning, quantitative reasoning, knowledge, working memory, and visual-spatial processing. The test also measured participants’ nonverbal and verbal responses. Furthermore, each factor was assigned a given score, and scores for all five were combined to produce an overall IQ score.

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The Stanford Binet test’s origins can be traced to the Binet-Simon Scale, a French devised for evaluating intelligence levels. The scale was designed by Alfred Binet and a student named Theodore Simon. At the time, education laws in France were flawed—as per modern standards—so the government approached Alfred Binet to develop a device that could detect a child with below-average intelligence for their age.

Their design was successful and became a standardized measure for testing children’s academic abilities. Over the last 100 years, it has undergone revisions and has been made more accurate. It was very effective in identifying children with cognitive disabilities and those with high IQs.

  • Difference Between WAIS and Stanford Binet

Albert Binet was regarded as the first intelligence test developer who believed that humIntellectect was far too complicated to be evaluated based on a single factor, an opinion also shared by David Wechsler. However, there are several differences between the two.

While the Alfred Binet test evaluates intelligence in children, the WAIS test is suited for adults and older adolescents. Stanford Binet is used to identify children who require specialized help to do well academically and stresses the importance of using motivation to boost a child’s academic performance.

WAIS, on the other hand, was developed to address the flaws of the Stanford Binet test.

Let’s review their fundamental differences in detail below.

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

  • Addresses Weaknesses

This test builds on the success of Stanford Binet and seeks to improve accuracy by eradicating its flaws.

  • For Adults

It is designed specifically for adults, not children, and contains a few timed subtests, unlike Binet tests, which are all timed. Binet tests were also criticized for not being accurate in measuring adult intelligence.

  • Different Scores

All tests under WAIS have different score numbers combined at the end to give an all-round score.

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Stanford Binet Test

  • For Children Only

The test is designed for children only in elementary school to identify those with a learning disability.

  • Timed Tests

All tests are timed, which is limiting in research.

  • Single Generic Score

Although advocates believe several factors influence intelligence, the test only produces a single score to evaluate the child’s IQ.


While Stanford Binet seeks to expose a participant’s flaws, WAIS provides a profile to rate their overall weaknesses and strengths. WAIS also offers valuable insight to help educators understand why a child may score so well in some tests and poorly in others, and the information can help them develop new approaches to dispense knowledge.

Stanford Binet derived scores by dividing chronological age by mental age, while WAIS takes a different approach, with the average score fixed at 100 and the highest score fixed at 115. Adults who scored between 85-100 were classed as average, while those who scored above that were classed as high-IQ individuals

Today, many other tests adopt the WAIS approach because of its efficiency.

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