Understanding popular bingo calls

Understanding popular bingo calls

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Casino, Published On
January 16, 2024

Almost half of the UK population participates in gambling every month – and one of the most popular games is bingo. Bingo was invented decades ago – but it’s just as popular now as it was back then! If you’re new to bingo and want to level up your skills, you must understand the most popular bingo calls. To help you get up to speed, we’ve outlined all the most popular ones below.

What Is Bingo?

Bingo – if you don’t already know – is a game where players mark off numbers on a scorecard after numbers are randomly drawn by someone called a ‘caller.’ You win the game of bingo by being the first person to mark off all the numbers. In some games, you can also win prizes for one or two lines! It’s very easy to play – which is why so many people in the UK play every single week.

Although bingo started in traditional bingo halls, nowadays, you can play online bingo or use a mobile app.

Understanding Bingo Calls

Bingo has a unique language that you’ll need to be familiar with before you start playing. Instead of calling out the numbers, the bingo caller will use phrases instead. It’s an age-old tradition that every number between one and 90 has a word associated with it. Some of these have been the same for decades, but some change yearly—for example, the number 10 changes according to whoever is prime minister at the time.

Here are just some of the bingo phrases you’ll need to know before you sign up online or head down to your nearest bingo hall.

  • Legs eleven – This playful way to announce the number eleven is based on the fact that the number 11 looks like two legs. Pretty simple, huh?
  • Two little ducks – This stands for number 22 as the shape of the numerical ‘2’ resembles two ducks swimming side by side.
  • Key of the door – If you hear this, mark number 21 off your bingo card. It might not seem like the most obvious link, but the idea behind this is that when you reach the age of 21, you enter adulthood and are given the ‘key’ to the door of life.
  • Doctor’s orders – This way of announcing number nine is rumored to come from the slang word for a laxative pill given to soldiers during WW2.
  • Two Fat Ladies – One of the most famous (and humorous!) bingo calls, Two Fat Ladies, is based on the logic that number 88 looks like a pair of curvy women standing together.

Now you’re clued up, it’s time for you to get involved! Just remember only to spend what you can afford on bingo – especially with rising living costs meaning that many budgets are squeezed.

How To Play Bingo

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to play Bingo:

  1. Set-Up:

  • Distribute bingo cards to all players. Each card should have a grid of numbers arranged in columns and rows.
  • The bingo caller, also known as the host, will have a set of bingo balls with numbers corresponding to those on the cards.
  • Players typically purchase bingo cards for a small fee, and the collected money may go into a prize pool for winners.
  1. Bingo Phrases:

  • Bingo introduces a set of rhyming phrases or cheeky sayings associated with each number. For example:
  • Number 7: “Lucky for Some”
  • Number 10: “David Beckham” (because he wore the number 7 and 23 in his career)
  • Number 22: “Two Little Ducks”
  • The fun and creative phrases are an essential part of Bingo, creating a lively atmosphere.
  1. Caller Announcements:

  • The bingo caller announces the numbers using traditional bingo calls along with some modern phrases.
  • For example, instead of just saying “B-7,” the caller might say, “Lucky for Some, Number 7.”
  1. Player Participation:

  • Bingo encourages players to engage with the calls. Some modern takes on the classic game encourage players to respond with cheers, chants, or even gestures when they hear their number called out.
  • This interactive element adds to the social and entertaining nature of the game.
  1. Winning Patterns:

  • Players mark off the called numbers on their cards, aiming to complete specific patterns like a line (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal), four corners, or a full house (all numbers marked).
  • The first player to complete the chosen pattern shouts “Bingo!” and is declared the winner.
  1. Prizes:

  • Prizes can be awarded for different patterns and may vary depending on the event. The more challenging the pattern, the bigger the prize.
  • Some Bingo games have special rounds or bonus prizes for specific combinations.
  1. Entertainment And Atmosphere:

  • The success of Bingo relies heavily on creating an entertaining atmosphere. Music, lighting, and themed events can enhance the overall experience.
  • The host’s personality and enthusiasm also contribute to the enjoyment of the game.
  1. Variations:

Bingo is highly adaptable, allowing for various themes, special rounds, or twists to keep things interesting. Hosts can get creative with the phrases and adapt the game to suit different occasions.

Bingo is all about having fun and enjoying a social experience while playing the game.

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