How Does Staff Augmentation Work? A Team Extension Model

How Does Staff Augmentation Work? A Team Extension Model

Written by Alison Lurie, In Business, Updated On
July 13th, 2024

Businesses are moving away from fixed schedules and permanent staff and toward more flexible, agile operations today. The major obstacle in the transition to flexible workflows is finding the appropriate workforce numbers and capabilities to handle the changing demands of projects. Although it could be desirable to hire every prospective essential skill permanently, doing so would be costly and ineffective. The staff augmentation approach is used in this situation.

What Exactly is Staff Augmentation?

Staff augmentation temporarily deploys outside experts to increase an organization’s capabilities. Employees are employed as part of an outsourcing strategy to cover gaps in projects that are in line with the company’s present goals. Depending on the talents required, these staff may be used for either a short-term or long-term collaboration with a customer,

Due to the peculiarities of the IT sector and the skills gap, services like these are becoming more popular. Staff augmentation firms like WeSoftYou may provide you with programmers, QA engineers, designers, marketing specialists, and system administrators in the IT industry.

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Advantages of Increasing Staff

Staff Augmentation Work

Workforce Openness

You are updated on every aspect of the process via sophisticated communication technologies and project management techniques.

Total Command Over The Project’s Development

While maintaining total control over the development process, you employ specialists.

Progress Awareness

Development teams often use agile and scrum concepts, so you will always know how things are going.


Client satisfaction is the first concern in outsourcing

Superior Tools And Competencies

You have access to a global talent pool.

Employees Of The Knowledgeable Group

You may choose the workers you will collaborate with by contacting an outsourcing organization.

Total Adaptability

With staff augmentation, you can have as many developers as you need at any one moment.

Neither Setup Nor Upkeep Fees

There are no unstated expenses for things like office leases or equipment.

When Is Staff Augmentation Necessary?

Why would you need to expand the team with experts who will serve as the steering wheel for another component when you already have an internal team working on the project?

Your company may be working on an IT project that calls for adding fresh engineers to the team. You may also need to recruit people from other countries if your desired skill set is different.

With staff augmentation, you may either permanently or temporarily recruit IT specialists to fill your team’s critical roles. Businesses may choose people that meet their needs, and they can expand or reduce the augmented staff as needed. Several companies provide staff augmentation. These suppliers assist you in increasing your internal team with qualified technical personnel.

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How Can Team Augmentation Be Successful?

  • Choose a supplier to provide your remote devs private team rooms with all the required amenities.
  • Ensure that remote developers get the same benefits as your local team members.
  • Find out from the vendor whether they have experts on staff who can facilitate better teamwork.

Important Information Concerning Team Augmentation

Let’s examine some of the critical components of the staff augmentation model.

Protection of Intellectual Property and NDA

The staff outsourcing company must sign a non-disclosure agreement with you to protect your intellectual property rights. Also, remember that as your remote workers transition to full-time developers, they will have access to the secret data. You must thus make sure they don’t abuse it.

The Remote Developers’ Legal Employer Is The Outsourcing Firm

No matter how long the remote developers continue to work for you, the outsourcing business will always be considered those developers’ legal employer. Because of this, you must specify in the contract the areas of accountability for each party and ensure that everyone agrees on essential issues like the amount of paid holidays and sick days.

A Clear Monthly Cost

You should pay the outsourcing firm you choose a set monthly cost for each of its developers. Both the developer’s actual pay and the service provider’s commission should be included in the charge.


Staff augmentation is an excellent way for your company to streamline its operations, save money on taxes and labour, and address the difficulty of luring skilled experts. Businesses need to cut workers to save on expenses.

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