10 Tech Smart Ways to Onboard New Employees

10 Tech Smart Ways to Onboard New Employees

Written by Sophie Robertson, In Business, Published On
December 2, 2022

In this modern age, technology can be the answer to smoothen a variety of processes in any workplace, including the onboarding of new employees. If your company is starting to build a new employee onboarding process, you’ll want to use technology to make your process the best it can be. This article will teach you how to do exactly that!

10 Tech Smart Ways to Onboard New Employees

Onboard New Employees

  • New Online Hire Community

If your company has recently hired new employees, creating an online community where you can share workplace resources, tools, and recommendations, as well as providing a platform where new employees can confidently ask questions can be a smart way to implement technology into the onboarding process.

  • Create Software and Tools Accounts

Many companies rely on special software and tools. While introducing a new employee into the workplace, you’ll want to be sure to integrate the employee into the workplace tech processes as soon as possible. Creating all software and tools accounts quickly ensures the employee is caught up in that aspect.

  • Go Digital

When it comes to documents, signatures, and IDs, the era of the paperwork may be over. Many companies are now completing this documentation process digitally, which helps the onboarding process and can also save the employer time.

  • Virtual Reality Technologies

The last few years have seen many companies going remote, and as such, virtual reality technologies were implemented with satisfying results. Virtual reality technologies have been shown to provide higher employee engagement and retention, allowing new employees to take part in an immersive environment where mistakes can be corrected without financial losses.

  • Online Training Platforms

Much like the previously mentioned virtual reality technologies, online training platforms can allow new employees to face typical work situations and learn how to deal with them, all online. This means higher information retention and a more engaged employee.

  • Workflow Platforms

Another technology that has risen in the last few years is workflow platforms. Having new employees under a workflow platform allows them to see each step of a task, as well as to-do lists, deadlines, and more. Workflow platforms can allow employees to boost their productivity, no matter where they are.

  • Management Tools for Information Access

Onboard New Employees

When it comes to important information such as employee benefits, payroll info, and more, using a management tool can be key. This app or platform can be accessed by both seasoned and new employees, allowing for information to be stored in one convenient and accessible place.

  • Interactive Videos

Explaining all work processes to new employees may seem simple, but in the long run, can be least effective for retention and learning. Interactive videos can be something new employees reference again and again, as well as allow them to be more engaged and attentive to the information being shared.

  • Get Feedback

How can you better the onboarding process? Ask new employees! Through online surveys and other tools, ask new employees for feedback after they’ve become more integrated into the workspace. This will give them time to formulate insightful answers, and you will have knowledge of what to do better the next time.

  • Address Common Questions Digitally

Are there certain questions that always come up during the onboarding process? Consider using a digital platform to create an FAQ section for new employees. This can be collected in a management tool as well, so they can always refer to this information when needed.

Technology allows us to create a more productive and efficient workplace, even when it comes to welcoming new employees. Using the tips above should help your company when it comes to integrating new employees while using technology to make the process much easier!

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