Top 13 Most Common UX Mistakes Web Designers Make

Top 13 Most Common UX Mistakes Web Designers Make

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In UI/UX, Updated On
April 7th, 2024

Giving an excellent experience to users and keeping them engaged is the mission of a web designer. He helps people visiting sites achieve what they want and converts them into customers. Designers follow several trends and design patterns to perform their tasks. Sometimes, they take shortcuts. They also want to consider aesthetics as the base for performing the tasks. The problem with this is that some UX mistakes occur because of the inappropriate deployment of popular trends. Web designers are interested in doing things but not learning those things. Some designers think that if the site looks attractive, the users will be interested in it, and user engagement will increase. But because of this, the usability of the site is sacrificed. This has increased the bounce rate of many sites because of the inability of the user to understand the UI. So, it is necessary to add value to the aesthetically pleasing site. I will tell you the top 13 most common UX mistakes web designers make.

Top 13 Most Common UX Mistakes Web Designers Make

1. When you design for yourself –

If you do not take an interest in identifying your target audience, competitors, market trends, etc., and designing a site for yourself, then it can result in a big mistake. It is possible that you do not perform any research on the above-mentioned things and work blindly. In this situation, your expectations and needs cannot be met properly. The needs of the audience can be different from what you think. So, always try to understand this first.

2. If you do not make the use of universal icons –

Sometimes, designers want to use an icon because of its good looks. However, the user does not recognize the new icon and gets confused. Therefore, it becomes necessary to add text below the icon so the user can get information about it. If you use a universal icon, people will quickly identify it. It may not look lovely, but it is far better than a new fancy icon.

3. If your site is not responsive –

Always design your site so users can access it using any device, like a mobile phone, desktop, or tablet. Ensure your webpage looks perfect on any device the audience uses. But if the web page does not fit the user’s device, he can consider it a broken site that doesn’t work well. He will not stay on the site any more. So, the site must be responsive. Along with this, your webpage should include all the necessary elements. Your webpage must have a cart button so the user can add items to the cart using this feature.

4. If the forms to be filled are complicated –

Suppose you visit a site to purchase a particular product, and a form appears on the webpage with 20 fields to fill. Will you fill out the form? The answer is no. A simple form is always preferred to save time.

5. If the optimization is terrible –

Visualize yourself as if you want to use your mobile phone to access a site and the site doesn’t give you useful information immediately. Instead, it makes you wait while some heavy image files are downloaded. Then what will you do? You will leave the site. So, to retain customers, optimize the site for slow computers, slow connections, and mobile phones.

6. If you invent so many new patterns –

If you think that inventing many innovative and new patterns can attract visitors to your site, then you are wrong. Always use the model that people commonly expect.

7. If the website is designed without figuring out the content –

Sometimes, graphic execution is sufficient, so the webpage is designed according to that. However, the designer makes it interactive after getting influenced by media. It is a big mistake.

8. If you do not test your iterations for usability –

It is a possibility that you cannot expect some vast mistakes related to the user experience. Like technology dysfunction symptoms that happen frequently or platform permutations or unintended consequences.

9. If you use so much text –

It is a big mistake if the information hierarchy is unclear even after using so much text. The user will not get the expected results if the message is unclear.

10. If the navigation is poor –

If the navigation is poor, the user can not move from one webpage to another quickly and conveniently. He will not get the desired results and will leave the site. Remember, you must craft a navigation feature for desktops, mobile phones, or any other device.

11. If you make the use of a large number of popups –

Your conversion rate will increase if you use many popups and many marketing people are interested. However, many popups will hide a big part of the valuable content the user wants to see. Because of this, he can leave the site and will never return. Therefore, please avoid so many popups on your webpage.

12. Scroll hijacking—This is a very big issue related to websites. When a designer implements this feature in a website, the user cannot scroll the page up or down as per his requirement and convenience. This activity can confuse and frustrate him, and your site can get hurt. So, always avoid scroll hijacking.

13. Use of carousels –

Suppose you have content and want to rotate through it using a slideshow. Then, this is known as carousels. But many people do not take an interest in the slideshow, and they scroll it down. As a result, they cannot see the information within it. It affects the user experience negatively.

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