How to estimate web application development cost ?

How to estimate web application development cost ?

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Technology, Updated On
July 18th, 2024

The relentless pursuit of becoming the best among their peers is one of the reasons why businesses innovate. In this innovation process, enterprises sometimes don’t care about the price and end up paying more for the cost of web app development. It is the same for all types of development and not just web applications. This is because it depends on what you want to develop. Hence, there is no exact answer to how much web application development costs. The reason is that there is no straight way to measure web app development pricing. However, an estimate ranges from $5000 to $2,50,000 for businesses. It also depends on what type of application is decided to be developed.

The cost of building an application is highly variable; thus, it depends on what the business wants. Whether a simple application or medium or a complex web app- depending on the needs, the development approach is taken. This blog will disclose all aspects significantly affecting web app development costs. In addition, we will also see tips and tricks to eliminate additional costs incurred by web app development that make the process expensive. So let’s get started.

Why develop a Web Application?

It isn’t a secret that web apps are in great demand, and this demand will only increase over the next few years with the inclusion of technologies like IoT devices and other wearables. These technologies have become widely used. The industries that now dominate the market for web applications have covered almost all sectors, including e-commerce, retail, travel, media & entertainment, education, and healthcare.

To effectively promote the business as a brand, companies must ensure they have a strong internet presence. And what better way than to develop web applications to ease the business process? Many businesses connect with their customers online, and these companies utilize specially designed web applications to ensure that they achieve the twin goals of having an online presence and allowing customers to conduct their transactions online conveniently.

A web application helps companies target and connect with potential and current consumers quickly and effectively by using a website as the main access point.

Factors that Impact the Cost of Web App Development

mobile app development

Web applications can be considered dynamic websites paired with server-side programming that offer functions including interacting with users and connecting to back-end databases for browsers. Online banking, social networking, shopping cart or eCommerce apps, online reservations, interactive games, etc., are common web apps.

Since many aspects are involved in the cost factor, we have highlighted all the vital ones that will help web app development teams and companies. The web application cost factor will be a game changer if you understand the following factors and make a move accordingly. Since many aspects are involved in the cost factor, we have highlighted all the vital ones that will help web app development teams and companies. The web application cost factor will be a game changer if you understand the following factors and make a move accordingly.

Scope Of Work

The influence of cost is the first consideration while developing an app’s functionality. It does impact whether you want to construct a straightforward internet store or an original, intricate piece of custom software. The scope entirely depends on whether businesses want to develop simple web apps or complex and progressive web apps or any other type.

If you want to create anything more complex and advanced, it will take more time and cost more money. Therefore, it relies on how the scope of work turns out.

Businesses should consider the quality of the code in web application development projects. Quality cannot be compromised when building your task; it shows they know how long it will take. However, if they have discovered a bug or other problem, it can take longer than expected. Before completing the fundamental section of their web app development project, organizations should do in-depth market research to understand the breadth. With multiple APIs, hosting, databases, and compatibility, the more intricate the web project is, the longer it will take to develop and the more money it will cost.

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Complexity of UI/UX Design

Data-Driven Social Media Experiences

Web programs might sound complex to many because of their intricate UI and UX components. It will cost more than those with fewer, simpler ones, just like features. At this point, a UI/UX designer works on the user interface of your web app, taking into account your requirements, the quirks of your target audience, and the commercial objectives your web app must meet.

The level of graphics and the number of animations significantly impact the overall development cost. These customized UI/UX design services are more expensive than template-based alternatives. The difference depends on the number of icons, the intricacy of the design, where the icons are placed, if they are animated, whether social media is integrated, and how the web app looks and feels overall. These elements are essential because UI/UX design encourages audience participation.

Hiring Options

Regarding web application development, the cost can vary significantly based on the service type you choose. Every business process has standard ways of hiring dedicated developers.

Here are three common ways to select developers:

  1. Independent programmers, aka Freelancers
  2. Internal team / in-house web app developers
  3. An outsourcing firm

Depending on the needs of your project, any of these custom solutions may be appropriate in various circumstances.

Independent programmers, aka Freelancers

Freelancing is the least expensive alternative for hiring web developers, especially if your budget is tight. There are dozens of websites that can assist you in finding freelancers to create custom web applications according to your needs. Depending on the area, freelancers’ hourly fees are much less expensive than any other method. There are certain advantages that freelancers can offer to your business.

Advantages of Hiring Freelancers

Self-employed individuals who work as freelancers and charge clients on a project-by-project basis enjoy the following advantages:

  1. With Freelancing, you get a team that can be quick and affordable simultaneously.
  2. The actions of independent freelancers will be directly under your supervision.
  3. There are no up-front fees.
  • This engagement model’s disadvantage is that you can’t rely on one person to finish a significant web app development project.
  • This requires careful attention from knowledgeable developers and detailed knowledge of the web development project.
  • Also, if one turns back, the whole process will stay.

Inhouse Team

This is a good option for your web app development process, your internal staff or looking for specialists to work remotely for your business. So, choosing an in-house team is the best option if you are a business ready to manage multiple projects and wish to be fully involved in the process.

There are several advantages that the internal team is capable of offering:

  1. You get to take the total command of the team.
  2. Unhampered communication when trying to build custom apps.
  3. Ability to change something in the middle
  1. It is a long and complex hiring procedure because you must hire each team member separately.
  2. You must select a tech team for software development to assist you with the project’s testing and specification.
  3. Unexpected web development costs.

Outsourcing Company

Many people seem to think that outsourcing is the best option. In this case, you’ll develop a high-quality end product, shorten the project’s budget, and speed up the time to market. The crucial aspect of outsourcing app development companies is that they manage project management and product delivery.

  1. You can choose from a sizable pool of qualified experts to build a custom web application.
  2. They have business analysts on their staff to assess the project.
  3. The delivery of a functional product within the allotted period was confirmed.
  1. Since there are experienced and expert resources, the cost of outsourcing firms is much higher than that of freelancers but lower than that of in-house developers.
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Project Size

Another considerable aspect here is the project volume that is taken into account. Everything is usually fine, but the deadline is not met because of the project size. The project size varies, and the project’s expense also increases. The cost of developing a project increases with the size of the team required to create it, not simply because of the size but also because each team involved will require project managers to handle the process.

MVP Development

It’s time to start working on the product now. When developing an MVP, the fundamental elements of the product are implemented. A traditional web application or PWA must be tested to satisfy all business needs. The QA engineer should also test each new feature to guarantee that your program performs as intended.

It’s vital to keep in mind, though, that as the business develops over time, the project needs to increase.

Now that the prototype is functional and the design is complete, work can begin on the product. Software engineering takes place throughout MVP development. To ensure that your PWA or traditional web app satisfies all your business requirements, backend and frontend engineer backend borate. At the same time, quality assurance engineers examine each new feature to ensure that your program performs as intended.


Web apps provide improved customer support. They might be the first point of contact between your company and potential clients. Additionally, they are always accessible and promote client loyalty.

The effort is not done even once the web app is complete and open to the public. Any app needs support, whether handling unforeseen cyberattacks or regularly scheduled web app maintenance.

There are two ways to handle the post-development period: either be prepared to foot the bill for the web developer team’s assistance or wait to pay until any form of problem arises before covering the repair price. Which strategy is preferable is entirely up to you.


If you have an urgent matter, be prepared that it will always be expensive. And the IT industry is no different. If you want to develop things faster than usual, the price you are expected to pay is much more than normal. A high-quality web app you need right away will undoubtedly cost you more. Depending on how urgently you need the app, the web app price may change.

How Much Does it Cost for Web App Development?

How to estimate web application development cost ?

Without carefully considering all the factors, no web development company will ever give you the complete cost of developing a custom app. Additionally, the pricing may alter more than once while the project is being worked on, particularly for sophisticated and complex projects. Here are some fundamental factors to consider when calculating the price of implementing your initial idea.

The market

One must understand that the price of a custom website for a significant medical or engineering company will be very different from that of an online clothing store. In the first instance, you deal with a well-liked mass-market project that is simple to complete and, thus, affordable.

User interface challenge

The development team can use free predefined template layouts for your app’s user interface (UI) if they want to. This will help to keep your costs to a minimum. However, a distinctive design is needed if you want your company to stand out and be genuinely recognizable. Again, the final price is determined by the overall intricacy, features, extras, animations, etc. Ideally, the UI should be appealing, adaptable, and straightforward.

Project needs and unique custom web apps

To provide developers with a complete understanding of what you want, you must be ready to respond to several questions if you want to create a bespoke web app from scratch. The “I want my app to be as awesome as Uber” strategy won’t work. First, explain the desired outcome precisely, including its composition and appearance. Second, make an effort to outline potential routes there. Create an iconographic model, if possible. Give as many details as possible because doing so will save developers’ time and the project money.

Adapting or developing a web app on an existing concept

Using an existing app or project as a starting point is an alternative method. On the one hand, it’s simpler to modify an existing idea than to create a new one from scratch. Hence, web application development costs vary when you already have a base. This makes the development process a lot easier than expected. The web application development cost will include the back-end and frontend development and other additional fees.

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Ways TfrontendThe Web App Development Cost

Mobile Application Development

MVP works well

The minimum viable product applies to more than only new businesses and market segments. If necessary, the MVP approach is the ideal solution to lower the cost of developing a web application. The price of creating a web application will increase if you have more features in mind. And you’ll be able to save money and reassess the set of features if you’re ready to give up robust functionality in favour of a stylish, minimalist MVP.

Use Template Solutions

If creating an MVP is insufficient, try it the other way around and prioritize instead of chopping away features. Decide which features from the feature set are essential, then implement them immediately. As a result, some basic functionality will be initially sacrificed to stay within the budget. It doesn’t mean you must ignore it completely; implement your ideas gradually, considering your financial situation. The most excellent strategy will be time and material because you’ll pay for the task completed, and the expense of developing a bespoke web application will be manageable.

Look for a Cheaper Workforce

Remember that the need for enterprise web applications is growing globally, so you won’t have trouble finding the proper outsourcing company or web developers. The location of the tech team will affect the price of web application development. It will be different for different places. For example, Eastern Europe would be in a middle range between $20 and $50, while the US, Canada, and Western Europe are on the pricey side, ranging from $100 to $250 per hour.

Geographically, Asia is generally the least expensive, ranging between $15 and $25. It could also vary depending on project size, the need for resources, the development team, and other essential factors, where software development costs would differ very slightly depending on your choice.

Factors that cannot be overlooked

There will always be interactive elements you absolutely cannot cut out, even if there are others you can cut back on. For the web app development scenario, let’s specify those.

Mandate Functionality

The obvious one is a team that is working correctly. Some firm owners are so eager to save money that they do without team members who are “unnecessary,”. In this process, the primary focus is shifted many times: not to compromise on mandatory functionalities. Many stakeholders, such as business analysts, project managers, or even QA engineers, play a significant role in delivering desired results. These teams will help to achieve the set goal by not compromising on the fundamentals of web application development.

Experienced resources

The knowledge is also far more valuable than you might realize, particularly if you need a sophisticated enterprise solution. Your development team will produce a more well-thought-out and market-specific solution the more experienced they are in a given area. Hiring professional web developers who understand the process and can deliver the results within the expected time frame is advisable.

Research and Progress

Always perform the proper research to progress in the right direction. The development procedure doesn’t indeed include analysis and market research. Before coding, you or web app developers should do this task. And those that skip this step frequently see their solution fail to generate revenue.


By this point, we hope you understand the costs of developing a web app. Thanks to this clarity, you may begin working on your project according to your expected budget. The cost of web applications is affected by many different aspects; therefore, aiming to cut costs may not be an effective strategy. Don’t hurry to sign a contract with a vendor if their estimate for developing an app differs significantly from other vendors or is lower than you had anticipated. Before moving on, it is preferable to obtain a thorough estimate. You’ll be able to save time and money if you comprehend this.

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