7 Things to Consider When Building Your Site on Drupal

7 Things to Consider When Building Your Site on Drupal

Written by Alison Lurie, In Technology, Published On
July 17, 2023

Your website gives your customers the possibility to take a look into your business, it’s like a virtual showcase through which they can explore your products and services. Choose the greatest platform you can, in order to create an engaging interface that allows you to produce exceptional digital experiences.

Thus, Drupal. You get the advantages of outstanding community support, security, flexibility, customization, and scalability with this potent open-source CMS.

Unlocking these advantages, however, won’t be easy if you don’t hire a Drupal developer. Your Drupal development partner ought to know your company’s requirements and be capable of providing a solution.

Top 7 Things to Consider Building  Site on Drupal

In this article, we discuss 7 aspects to take into account, when building your site on Drupal. 

What to Consider When Building Your Site on Drupal

Specify Your Drupal Requirements

A crucial first step is to make a full list of everything that is absolutely necessary. Knowing the requirements you can define the solution.

Drupal provides numerous features out of the box. With the addition of more than 40,000 free community-contributed modules, Drupal can easily satisfy a variety of needs.

Consider the Content Manager

Having a user-friendly content admin system is essential for content managers and creators who work directly in the content management system (CMS). Drupal allows content editors to easily design pages, and make quick changes to the content, additionally, there is a content preview feature to review the content before publishing it.

Consider the timeline

This inquiry is essential, especially if your company engages in online commerce. Any lapse in service during peak hours will cost the company a lot of money and alienate customers. Make sure the website redesign takes place off-peak hours to minimize disruptions to customer traffic and ensure the smooth operation of your business.

Don’t Forget About a Backup for Your Current Website

Before you start constructing a Drupal website, you must create a backup of the current website. This is important since there is always a chance that a redesign will go wrong, therefore having a duplicate of the most recent version of your website is essential.

Consider the Budget

Every project has financial limitations. Selecting Drupal is often a wise choice, especially for those on a tight budget. Drupal offers so many out-of-the-box features, that you will definitely build a website even on a very limited budget.

Consider the Digital Strategy

The entire digital strategy should also be taken into account. Will the platform support a single site, or is this an essential component of a multisite, multi-brand digital platform? Is Drupal the sole platform used, or is Drupal a component of a larger digital experience platform (DXP)?

The Flexibility of Drupal

7 Things to Consider When Building Your Site on Drupal

After conducting the analysis and selecting the best course of action, keep in mind that conditions can change. Drupal can support any strategy on the spectrum, so regardless of the approach you choose, you can change it over time.

Drupal is a flexible platform. You can use it differently, depending on the aspects above and any others you find significant. But whatever approach you choose, Drupal is adaptable enough to change as your demands change.

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