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Key concepts of Automation Testing

Penetration Testing Program for Compliance

Automation of testing reduces the workload of developers and testers. Testing software is a complex process that requires stakeholders in the business, developers, and testers to coordinate their efforts. Automated testing uses specialized tools to conduct several software tests simultaneously. The testing process was meant to be sped up, and the overall testing coverage was intended to be expanded by employing automated testing. Test automation methods can cover more operating systems, devices, and scenarios than manual testing. As a result, their utilization results in improved mistake detection.

You can learn in-depth key automation testing processes by enrolling in an Automation Testing Certification Online from a reputed institute.

Key Concepts of Automation Testing

In this article, let us look at some of the terminologies associated with Automation testing.

Unit testing

Unit testing requires executing tests on individual components or functions in isolation to determine whether or not they are performing as expected. Because it is typically performed during the program’s development phase, it is frequently the first automated testing performed on an application.

Unit tests are particularly advantageous since they aid in identifying problems at an earlier stage of the development process, reducing the cost of fixing errors. Unit tests are a wonderful way that helps make code more reusable and help engineers understand each application component’s operation.

Methods for performing unit testing can be classified into the two groups listed below.

Integration testing

Smoke testing

Non- Functional testing:

Assessment of performance

Performance testing evaluates a software’s speed, stability, and responsiveness under load situations.

The fundamental purpose of performance testing is to detect any potential performance barriers that may exist in the program and remove those barriers so that the software can more effectively give the best possible outcomes to the end user.

Performance testing is crucial for ensuring a product’s success on the market. This is because performance testing helps discover potential issues end customers may encounter, such as a sluggish program operation under excessive demand. An Automation Testing Certification Online will help you further understand various parameters used in performance testing.

Additionally, mission-critical software and medical programs should be subjected to performance testing to ensure they can function reliably even under the most demanding situations.

Testing for regressive behavior

Keyword-driven testing

Data-driven testing


Those who believe that testing is cumbersome do not completely understand the expense of having poor quality. It may be difficult to assess the impact of bugs and flaws on product value; nonetheless, if these issues are not handled, the situation can quickly become out of control.

The good news is that you can avoid this problem by developing and improving your automated test suite using some of the abovementioned concepts. This will lay the groundwork for an excellent developer experience and remarkable, high-quality software.

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