What Is Buy and Hold Strategy in Real Estate Investing & Why Use It

What Is Buy and Hold Strategy in Real Estate Investing & Why Use It

Written by Alison Lurie, In Real Estate, Published On
February 24, 2024

In Short:

  1. Steady Passive Income: The buy-and-hold strategy provides a reliable source of passive income through rental payments, offering financial stability and reducing dependency on traditional employment income.
  2. Long-Term Wealth Building: Investors can accumulate long-term wealth and achieve financial security over time by holding onto appreciating properties.
  3. Hedge Against Inflation: Real estate, mainly acquired through the buy-and-hold strategy, serves as a hedge against inflation, as property values and rental income tend to rise alongside increasing living costs.

Have you lately been thinking about starting to invest in real estate? Well, that is a good idea. There are plenty of great reasons why you should do this, some of which you can read about on this page, but it all comes down to the fact that these investments are lucrative and can lead to you generating a great ROI.

Now, the trick here is knowing how to invest the right way. What strategy should you use to achieve the specific goals you are after? If you don’t have any goals yet, it is time to set them because no investment strategy will be good enough for you if you don’t even know what you are trying to achieve.

To choose the right strategy, you will need to explore a few of them, getting adequately informed on what they are and how they can be helpful. By doing so, you will get a better picture of what you can achieve with different methods and ultimately be able to choose the proper method for you. That is, finally, what you want.

Today, we will explore a strategy that has stood and continues to stand the test of time. It is a method that many real estate investors rely on nowadays, and it could just turn out to be right for you. Called a buy-and-hold strategy, this is an option that you should explore further and consider when starting to play the game of real estate investing. So, let us examine it in more detail.

Why Is the buy-and-hold strategy?

As the name says, this investment method involves acquiring and holding properties for an extended period, aiming to profit from appreciation, rental income, and long-term wealth accumulation. This is a strategy that looks into the future. A long-term option of acquiring those properties that you believe have the potential to increase in value over time. In short, with this particular solution, you become an investor in it for the long haul.

Another thing to know here. In addition to providing you with the potential to earn a significant ROI from the property you have bought, the buy-and-hold solution also allows you to make regular rental income. So, while it is a strategy turned to the future, we can’t deny that it considers the present, allowing you to earn passive income. Given all of those benefits, it is no wonder that it is the method that most investors turn to.

Why Should You Use It?

real estate

Another question has probably hit you upon understanding what the buy-and-hold strategy entails. You want to know why using this option to your advantage is right. As you will quickly see, there are various reasons for that. Once you understand those reasons, chances are you will be much more open to the idea and will most likely start searching for the right investment opportunities immediately.

  • To Get Passive Income and Maintain a Good Cash Flow

At the risk of repeating myself, I have to clarify one thing ideally. Using the buy-and-hold method will immediately achieve a high passive income, maintaining a good cash flow and reducing your financial worries. Thus, when you learn this real estate strategy, you can use the extra income to cover mortgage payments, property maintenance and other expenses. The steady income stream will reduce your dependency on employment income and thus provide you with the financial stability you need.

  • To Build Long-Term Wealth

Long-term wealth building is the primary goal of the buy-and-hold strategy. Holding onto an appreciating property and generating regular income creates a pathway to long-term financial stability. And, naturally, wealth accumulation is undeniably a great goal.

  • To Capitalize on Appreciation

If you look at the behaviour of real estate properties over time, you will find that they are known for appreciation. In other words, these assets tend to increase in value as time passes, which allows you, as the investor, to capitalize on that appreciation. But only if you use the buy-and-hold strategy to help you avoid those short-term market fluctuations and continue looking at the big picture. After all, it is the picture that will help you benefit quite a lot from appreciation.

  • To Shield Yourself Against Inflation

If any asset class could protect you against inflation, this is this one. In other words, real estate is considered to be an excellent hedge against inflation, thanks to its behaviour. When the costs of living rise, the prices of real estate rise as well, meaning you’ll get to increase your rental income, too, as that happens. So, using the buy-and-hold strategy, you can also protect yourself from the dangers of inflation.

  • To Build a Well-Balanced and Resilient Investment Portfolio

When building an investment portfolio, you want it to be well-balanced and resilient. Put differently, you don’t want to keep only one asset class in the portfolio or only unstable and unpredictable asset classes. This is where real estate comes in, and the buy-and-hold method, for that matter, is the perfect solution. It has a low correlation with other asset classes, allowing you to build a well-balanced and resilient investment portfolio.


The buy-and-hold strategy in real estate investing offers a compelling pathway to financial success by providing steady passive income, facilitating long-term wealth accumulation, and serving as a hedge against inflation. With its ability to generate consistent returns and contribute to a well-balanced investment portfolio, this strategy remains a cornerstone for investors seeking stability and growth in the real estate market.


Is the buy-and-hold strategy suitable for beginners?

Yes, this strategy is often recommended for beginners as it offers a straightforward approach to real estate investing with long-term benefits.

How long should I hold onto a property with this strategy?

The duration of holding a property can vary based on individual goals and market conditions, but typically, a longer holding period allows for greater appreciation and wealth accumulation.

What types of properties are ideal for the buy-and-hold strategy?

This strategy is ideal for properties in stable or growing markets with potential for appreciation and consistent rental demand.

How can I mitigate risks associated with the buy-and-hold strategy?

Conduct thorough research, diversify your investment portfolio, maintain adequate reserves for unexpected expenses, and consider working with a reputable property management company.

Is it possible to use leverage with the buy-and-hold strategy?

Yes, leveraging financing options such as mortgages can amplify returns, but it’s essential to assess and manage associated risks carefully.

Can I still profit from a property if its value decreases temporarily?

Yes, with the buy-and-hold strategy, short-term market fluctuations are less concerning as the focus is on long-term appreciation and rental income.

How does taxation affect buy-and-hold real estate investments?

Tax implications vary depending on factors such as property location, rental income, depreciation, and individual tax circumstances. Consult with a tax professional for personalized advice.

What are some alternative strategies to consider alongside buy-and-hold?

Alternative strategies include fix-and-flip, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and short-term rentals, each offering unique opportunities and considerations for investors.

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