The K-drama star Park Min Young was seen promoting her upcoming Korean Drama on her social media. The star posted a picture which showed her sitting in front of a cake, on which ‘Will You Marry My Husband’ is written. The upcoming drama’s main plot is revenge, betrayal, love & redemption. The post has made the fans go crazy and excited as they await this drama. The drama will premiere on January 1st, 2024, the Netflix release is not decided yet, however, the TVN drama is sure to intrigue the audience & break the records.
The drama ‘Marry My Husband’ is the story of a woman who learns about her husband’s affair with her best friend. The woman is unwell and thus seeks another chance in life to avenge her husband and her best friend for having a secret love affair. The drama thus revolves around infidelity, revenge, betrayal & love.
About the poster
The TVN posted a photo of the actress’s poster on Instagram wherein she can be seen wearing a black gown, showing her strong character and following the theme of vengeance.
Here is the post –
The setup is of the wedding, which explains her marriage. The background is decorated with flowers and candles and therefore it sets a wedding theme in the viewer’s mind. However, the wedding cake has ‘Will You Marry My Husband’ written in red, which also shows hatred & love, both immensely passionate emotions. The actress’s emotions of hatred and revenge could be seen in her eyes in the poster. The cake is a symbol for the main story, which piques fans’ interest. With a captivating gaze, Kang Ji Won seems ready to alter her fate by devising a novel plan of retaliation.
The story of Marry My Husband, which is based on the same-named webtoon, is shaped by four main characters. As Kang Ji Won, who is diagnosed with cancer, is forced into an unhappy marriage and betrayed by both her husband and best friend, Park Min Young plays the lead role. Time travel is a part of her quest to right the wrongs and exact revenge for her untimely demise.
The drama’s casting is as follows: Park Min Hwan is played by Lee Yi Kyung as Kang Ji Won’s cunning husband, who is ultimately to blame for her demise. Jung Soo Min, Park Min Hwan’s love interest and Kang Ji Won’s betrayer, is portrayed by Song Ha Yoon. Na In Woo portrays Yoo Ji Hyeok, a dashing coworker who is madly in love with Kang Ji Won and who helps her in her vindictive mission.