How Business Intelligence Can Boost Marketing Intelligence Gathering

How Business Intelligence Can Boost Marketing Intelligence Gathering

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Marketing, Updated On
April 16th, 2024

Business intelligence can improve your marketing intelligence. Using data helps you define your marketing strategy.

Technology is helping advancements in marketing. Strategic marketing goals are also changing due to the changing business world, and business intelligence can help.

How Business Intelligence Can Boost Marketing Intelligence

Marketing Intelligence

I was wondering how business intelligence can help your business. Here’s how business intelligence can boost marketing intelligence gathering.

  • Marketing Intelligence Begins With Social Media Knowledge

The number of people using social media is growing almost by the minute. More people connect with social media apps to communicate, do business, and learn information using their phones. Capitalizing on this business intelligence is key to your competitive marketing.

When people access your social media pages, who are they? How are they using your site?

Collecting business intelligence can help you track your followers and how a post reaches people. It can also determine the number of followers each post generates, the location of customers, and how quickly people react to each post.

Using a company such as Power BI can help you gather this type of business automation and business intelligence for your strategic marketing.

  • Access Data Faster

Getting the most current and up-to-date data quickly to your business is key. It can help you make strategic marketing decisions based on business intelligence.

Those decisions come from multiple streams of data. You can incorporate that data when creating your marketing automation or business automation. You also want to ensure the information is clear and easy to understand.

You want business intelligence fast. You also want useful and relevant information for your current strategic marketing campaign before it goes out of style.

In business, time is money. You want the best marketing intelligence to make the right choices before things change and your customer or client base goes in a different direction. If you want to clear any obstacles, business intelligence software can help you accomplish that goal.

  • Return on Investment

Business intelligence can boost your return on investment. How much are you returning from every dollar you spend on strategic marketing?

Using business intelligence can help you figure out if the money you are spending is worth it. Are you reaching your customers and clients effectively? Are you getting the best bang for your buck?

This information can improve your marketing intelligence by determining whether you need to spend more or less on your intended demographic. For example, instead of reaching women ages 25 to 54, maybe you need to reach women of the same age who live in a different part of the country. This could change your competitive marketing budget.

Marketing intelligence can help your bottom line and keep your spending under control.

  • Business Intelligence Can Boost Your Marketing Intelligence Gathering

You can boost your marketing intelligence with business intelligence by learning social media data, accessing information faster, and learning about the return on investment.

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