9 essential tips to create your content marketing strategy

9 essential tips to create your content marketing strategy

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Marketing, Updated On
April 15th, 2024

Content marketing is a beneficial approach to marketing that adds value to users. Still, if the methodology is not established strategically, it definitely will not help improve the organic positioning.

Top 9 Essential Tips To Create Your Content Marketing Strategy

If you think your website is excellent and functional, but none of that attracts the right traffic, you should definitely read this article.

Segment your audience

This is definitely a fundamental step in creating a value proposition. Sometimes, people want to go short to see quick results. Please do not do it.

You can learn how to start a blog in India or any other country. It is much better to take a little longer than to have valuable and profitable results. Start working with details from the beginning. If you already have a content marketing strategy, we recommend that you review it and make sure that your target audience is correct. Analyzing this point periodically will give you better results.

Define who your target audience is and find out where those audiences are, what content they interact with the most, and when they do so.

Don’t settle for just knowing the demographics of your target audience. Answer questions like:

  • What do you like to do?
  • What are your motivators?
  • What problems do they face?
  • Why do they look for things related to your service?

Know your value proposition.

Today, there is too much competition. If you offer the same thing as everyone, standing out will be pretty complex.

The content will help you distinguish yourself and provide opportunities to clarify why they should buy from you and not from the competition. If you want people to purchase from you, they must first be willing to listen to you. Create opportunities like that with valuable content for them.

Set your goals

Work will be useless if you don’t know where you are going. You have to be clear about your objectives, where you want to go, for how long, etc. Remember that your goals should be SMART—specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and measurable over time.

Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) for your content marketing strategy will help you be clear about these goals.

You will need to include various metrics, depending on your goals, but some of those may be focused in terms of:

  • Income
  • Sales
  • Traffic
  • SEO

Please get to know the Buyer’s Journey and follow it

Before creating a content marketing strategy, you need to know when, where, and how to reach your target audience.

Get to know the Buyer’s Journey and discover what leads them to read your content at different stages. You need to include emotions, thoughts, and expectations at every touchpoint on the journey. This will help guide your content and channel and result in highly relevant material for current and potential customers.

Create a list of keywords.

Your Buyer Persona will determine where, how, and what you publish. You need to be prepared and know what they will look for and how.

Remember that there are two types of keywords:

  • Short tail: very generic keywords. An example is “bicycle.” Positioning yourself for a word like that would take too long, and it is very likely that you are not what they are looking for. Maybe the person looking for this just wants to know what year it was invented, and you offer bicycles made with bamboo.
  • Long tail: The set of keywords must be at least three. Continuing with the example, the keyword could be “bicycles made with bamboo.” Obviously, the traffic these keywords will attract to your page will be much lower but of higher quality.

We recommend you generate keywords from both rankings but put much more emphasis on long-tail words. Not only will the competition be lower, more segmented, and cheaper, but you will also obtain a higher conversion percentage.

There are several tools to make a selection of valuable and relevant words for your audience. Some of them are:

  • Google keyword planner
  • Keyword Tool
  • KWFinder
  • Neil App

Determine the type of content to be published and the communication channels

There are various formats to share content, some of them are:

  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • Whitepapers
  • Testimonials
  • Ebooks
  • Articles
  • Webinars
  • Podcast
  • Social media
  • Animated Videos
  • Newsletters

You should choose the ones that are correct for your audience based on the study you previously conducted on your target audience.

So that you can determine what type of content you should focus on, answer questions like:

  • What is the intention behind these searches?
  • What kind of content do they grab their attention and consume?
  • What problems are they trying to solve?

The longer you have been with your content marketing strategy, the more you will understand where your audience is. Always remember that it is better to focus on what is working and expand from this rather than trying to do everything at once.

Create a publication calendar.

A content marketing strategy has to be well-founded and registered. It must be organized and clear about the objectives, your keywords to position, the user’s time of purchase, the reasons why it is there, and an appropriate follow-up.

You will find that the more content you have, the more you will need it. Without the proper scheduling, it will be impossible for you to remember everything and follow up correctly.

Measure the results

Measure, always measure.

You have to know what is working, and the only way to really know is through your results, not through assumptions.

Always review your analytics and create a monthly report template according to your previously established goals.

Results and benefits

Creating a content marketing strategy requires being clear about your goals and value proposition. In addition, you must know the interests of your target audience and then improve with each iteration.

It is a strategy that requires time and patience, but if well implemented, it can bring excellent results for your business.

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