7 Things Mentally Strong People Do

7 Things Mentally Strong People Do

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Lifestyle, Updated On
July 15th, 2024

Topics involving mental health or mental strength have been in the spotlight for some years now. Mental strength is significant, and discussion around it keeps growing daily. Social media and communication platforms like Facebook or Talkliv are some places where people discuss mental strength and health, among other topics.

Please note that this article is not medical advice but possibly helpful tips collected by the Talkliv team. Thank you!

How can you tell someone is mentally strong?

Being mentally strong means managing your emotions, actions, and thoughts constructively and positively. When faced with challenging situations, staying mentally strong can take some practice for some people, while it may come naturally for others.

If you want to become mentally strong, you will need to practice. Growing mental strength takes time, just like working out to increase your other muscles. For example, you can’t go to the gym and expect to lift heavy weights immediately. The same applies to mental strength — you can’t expect to be mentally strong the first time you face an issue. It takes some time to build and grow. You will need to take yourself through challenges that will strengthen your mind.

Here are seven things that mentally strong people practice:

  • They are thankful

Mentally strong people like to note down the things they did during the day for which they are grateful. Most people have the habit of focusing on what they want in life or the dreams they want to come true. Sometimes, we all forget that it is difficult to feel the abundance in our lives if we are not thankful for what we have already achieved. Even helping a friend solve a problem or sharing an inspiring quote with someone on Talkliv is an achievement that is worth being grateful for.

  • They say good things about themselves.

Language is very important in communication, and above all, what you say to yourself and to other people about yourself is more important. For example, if you fail a project, what you say about yourself to a friend on Talkliv may matter a lot to the development of your mental strength.

When things don’t go well for you, don’t worry. Instead, encourage yourself and become more aware of the situation. Tell yourself that you can do better next time. Speak to yourself with positive words. Say the same positive things you would say to encourage a frustrated friend.

  • They accept change

How do you react when caught up in a difficult situation? Do you start blaming people or start complaining about things you can’t control? There is nothing wrong with feeling angry and frustrated about things you can’t control; the only problem is that doing that will not help you become mentally strong.

If you stay angry for long because of a problem, your mental strength will be eaten up. Instead of worrying too much about it, always try to think about something you can do differently or how to fix a problem.

If there is nothing you can do about the situation, you will need to accept it and the change it brings.

  • They live in the moment.

Meet new people on a site like Talkliv, have fun chatting, or engage in any other fun activity. Just don’t spend time worrying about the past or the future!

It is not a bad thing to think about the future. However, you may end up spending little time in the moment when you worry so much about tomorrow. If you are too focused on the past or the future, your mental strength will deplete. Mentally strong people tend to value the power of focusing on the MOMENT.

You can use meditation and mindfulness to build solid mental habits. Both practices can help you stay in the moment. According to science, the part of our brain responsible for stress diminishes when we practice solid mental habits. At the same time, our creative thinking capacity will start to grow.

  • They focus on the bigger picture.

We are far less likely to worry about the little things after we are aware of the broader picture, clear on what is essential to us, and believe that what we are doing has meaning. And even in times of greater difficulty, having an inner compass will guide us through the rough patches.

  • They focus on strength instead of weakness.

When faced with unexpected circumstances, our brain may shift into a negative state and think, “I will never be able to solve this,” “I am not good enough,” etc. We can become more confident if we recognize that this is just a thought and instead choose to concentrate on our strengths.

Even better, use a technique that has been scientifically demonstrated to work: picture yourself handling challenging circumstances with courage. This causes the brain to develop new neural pathways that will help us deal with them when they arise in daily life.

  • They take care of themselves.

Mentally strong people know how to take care of themselves. They usually have a well-balanced diet, exercise enough, and get good sleep. They help themselves first before helping others. This might sound selfish, but taking care of yourself should be a top priority. After all, you can’t help anyone if you are too weak and trying to survive.

Communication with others is also essential in developing a mentally strong mind. Therefore, if you are looking for a place to connect with people worldwide and share ideas, Talkliv is one of the communication and social media platforms that can help you. The site can also help you find intercultural communication and see the world from a new perspective. Try it out now!

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