A Business Owner’s Guide: How to Add Watermarks to PDFs

A Business Owner’s Guide: How to Add Watermarks to PDFs

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In How To, Updated On
April 18th, 2024

On a document or photo, a watermark might be a logo, an image, or text, and it can be as subtle or noticeable as you desire. Like a draft, your business name, logo, or status information could all be included in your watermark. You can use multiple watermarks for different file types or purposes. To deter counterfeiting, watermarks have been employed on postal stamps, banknotes, and other government documents, and watermarks were first used in 1282 in Fabriano, Italy, according to Wikipedia.

The origin of the watermark can be traced back to the days when watermarks were solely used on paper. At the time, the watermark was generated by altering the thickness of the paper, resulting in a shadow/lightness in the watermarked paper. The mark generated by this method is called a watermark. Watermarks are now widely used, mainly in businesses.

How to Add Watermarks to PDFs

You may easily place the watermark overlay onto your PDF file using PDFBear’s PDF tools. Use the Add Watermark to PDF Tool, which allows you to apply your watermark to your PDF file in various ways. More than merely a watermark function is available on the PDFBear website. Here are the steps to guide you: 

  1. Choose or drag the PDF file to which you want to add a watermark.
  2. As a watermark, you may type text or choose a picture.
  3. Choose where you want to put the watermark.
  4. Apply the adjustments and immediately download the PDF file with your watermark.
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In seconds, add text as a watermark to your PDF. You can also change the font and transparency of your watermark as needed. You can use an image if you don’t want to use text as a watermark. PDFBear PDF watermark tools give you the most freedom. PDFBear offers many font options, colours, sizes, and styles, all factors to consider. You can also choose an image for your watermark if you already have one.

This watermark tool is accessible from any internet-connected device. Your files can be uploaded, watermarked, converted, downloaded, shared, and saved online. To ensure you can apply a watermark to your PDF file in the most convenient method, whether using your mobile, laptop, or desktop or surfing with Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.

PDFBear adheres to the highest standards regarding privacy issues. PDFBear cloud technology saves files and documents without consuming your client’s processing resources. Thus, you can save on storage and processing time on your device and take advantage of the cloud technology provided.

Using Watermarks as a Copy Protection Method

Today, watermarks are well-known. When a protected document is photocopied or scanned, various specialized printing techniques can create printed watermarks that will vanish or emerge. However, to be created successfully, these require high-quality printing procedures. As a result, publications created with this technology are typically printed professionally and delivered as paper rather than electronic documents. Magnetic inks or inks that change colour when wet are available in other printing procedures. However, they are highly specialized and used with watermarks to provide additional document security and copy prevention levels.

  • Digital Watermarks

They were created with the emergence of digital works such as images, music, movies, and so on. Although they are not usually used in the same way as document watermarks, this is because it appears impossible to try to prevent people from creating copies of computerized files, at least for the time being. After all, computers will readily produce flawless duplicates of the files they hold, which is necessary for backup and recovery.

  • Electronic Documents With Watermarks

Some document watermarks can be static or dynamic, and they can help with copy prevention or disclosure. In most cases, a combination of these is utilized. These watermarks must be organized so that any attempt to remove or alter them is apparent if they are to be successful. Static watermarks do not change depending on who opens and processes the document with the watermark. They’re utilized in the same way that banknotes are. Copy protection can also be achieved with static watermarks. A diffraction pattern (also known as a Moiré fringe pattern) can be applied in this method.

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Benefits of Using Watermarks

The use of Document Watermarks Has Several Benefits. As a result, using watermarks with protected documents provides a user with several benefits, such as identifying the source of the printed document, determining where a document has been edited, deciding whether a document has been altered, and a copying deterrent.

If each document is watermarked with the recipient’s name and email address, it becomes easy to track down the source of the leak. If the file were tagged with the receiver’s name, email address, or other identifiers, the recipient would hesitate to forward it. In today’s setting, much documentation and private information is digitized to make storage and transmission easier, but you must be cautious about document security when using the internet. Watermarking has been found to prevent unauthorized copying and transmission of data while also allowing you to track down any breaches.


Watermarking PDF files and documents that contain confidential, sensitive, or proprietary information is still one of the most effective ways to protect them. Even if the document was shared without your permission, the watermark identifies you as the owner, and you can track down the source of the leak. It is even more important to claim ownership of any intellectual property, such as images, designs, or plans, using a watermark that others cannot easily remove.

A watermark can also classify your papers at the most basic level. It can serve as a reminder to your receivers to keep the document safe and secure. At the very least, it serves as a means of communication – to protect your vital documents.

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Position your image and much more in your PDF using PDFBear PDF tools. Try Now!

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