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Guide to Boosting the Kerb Appeal of Your Family Home 

A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting the Kerb Appeal of Your Family Home 

There are several different and equally as valid reasons why a person may want to start improving the outside aesthetic of their property and might choose to begin tending to the front and back lawns too.

However, regardless of the individual reasons why you are looking to boost the kerb appeal of your property, there are numerous tried and tested ways to guarantee aesthetic streets. Continue reading to discover a comprehensive guide to boosting the kerb appeal of your family home.

Guide to Boosting the Kerb Appeal of Your Family Home

Your Driveway

One of the most fundamental features of your property is that of your driveway, whether that be a long and winding track to your front door, or else a simple paved area directly in front of your garage.

The easiest and most affordable way to dramatically improve the appearance and functionality of your driveway is to look into installing driveway edging effectively around the perimeter.

Paint & Wash the Windows

As, especially in Britain, rain is often a guarantee when it comes to wanting your car to be cleaned, people often rely on the rain for their home as well.

However, when you are focused on vastly improving the overall aesthetic appeal of the outside of your property, paying close attention to cleaning is essential. Moreover, you should strive to give your windows a fresh lick of paint and clean the windows thoroughly with the proper tools and equipment.

Conceal Rubbish Bins

These days, most households up and down the country have two or three different bins for the outside of their property and, as such, it can be hard to know how to store them and where the best place for them to live is.

The kerb appeal of your home will never be up to a high standard if your rubbish bins are visible from the outside and so every effort must be made to conceal them.

The Front Door

The front door to your home is both the gateway to the house and also the physical entrance and it is for both these reasons that you should pay special attention to this element of your property.

If the paint is cracked or peeling, then invest in a bright white, or a quirkier yet cool colour, paint and go over the whole of the door. Additionally, replace any rusting hardware on the doorbell and/or door knocker and ensure each element is regularly cleaned and shined with Brasso.

Window Dressing

If you are sure that your neighbours are not in their front gardens and might think you are mad if they saw you, you should take the time to cross over the road and look at your home from farther away.

One thing you will notice is that, provided your curtains are open, you will be able to see inside one or more rooms and, therefore, you should look to dressing your windows from the inside as well. The culmination of these improvements will have a dramatic positive effect.

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