4 Precautions to Take When You Live in the Aussie Bush

4 Precautions to Take When You Live in the Aussie Bush

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Home Decor, Published On
November 26, 2021

Building inspectors are seeing a considerable rise in the number of people choosing to live in a bush setting. Many people want to live a quieter life, away from the city, so that they can live with a bit of peace, tranquillity, and a bit more land. Others want to be as close to nature as possible. Life in the Aussie bush certainly has a lot to offer, and it is also the best way for you to escape the hustle and bustle. But being away from the city does come with its downsides. As a homeowner, it is imperative that you do your research to make the best decisions possible regarding your home and the new risks you face.

4 Precautions to Take When You Live in the Aussie Bush

  • Stop Uninvited Guests with Regular Building and Pest Inspections

If there is one word that can strike fear into the heart of any homeowner, it’s termites. Termites thrive where there is plenty of vegetation and love to feed on organic matter and rotting wood. As the weather heats up, particularly in the spring and summer, they begin social swarming. Spring and Summer, particularly in Queensland, bring wet weather and wet weather brings moisture. Termites love moist timber.

Regular termite inspections are critical if you don’t want any backyard buddies sharing your home with you. A pest inspection will help you identify and eradicate these troublesome pests before they make a royal entrance into your home’s structural beams. Getting building and pest inspections done might not seem like a necessary cost. However, it is the best way to ensure that you will not be overrun in the future.

  • Think about Adverse Weather Conditions Before You Purchase a Bush Property

You need to take some precautions before you even buy your bush property, if possible. One thing that you can do is check to see if the roof and building structure is in good condition. Roof damage can play havoc during severe storms. If you see cracks in the walls, poor drainage, pooling water or anything else of the sort, then this should set off some warning flags. Your building inspection should pick up on things like this for you, but at the end of the day, it’s worth doing your due diligence as well.

  • Living in the Bush is Great- but Overgrowing Trees can be a Problem

There’s nothing like standing on your balcony or deck and looking out over the trees. That being said, you have to remember that with all those trees comes some degree of risk. Falling trees can cause insane damage to your property, not to mention that they can also become projectiles during storms, high wind and hail. Be prepared to maintain trees regularly and cut them to a safe height if they are directly next to your property. It would be best if you also took the time to deal with any damaged trees. Damaged trees might not seem like a big issue if they seem structurally sound. Remember that they will eventually become a haven for termites, which will work their way through the wood. Termite activity could cause the tree to fall at any time, and that’s a wake-up call you don’t need in the middle of the night.

  • You May Experience Ground Movement

It’s no secret that climate change is causing an increase in extreme weather. Long periods of drought cause substantial cracking in properties, and when followed by rain, the ground can expand and contract. These changes can affect the structure of the property, so a building inspection of the structural aspects is essential. While ground movement can cause minor defects, it can also cause problematic ones. These major defects may not necessarily be evident to someone without building experience. The hidden defects are the ones you need to worry about and why a third party assessment is crucial.

Don’t let your dream of living in a bush setting fade away because you inherited someone else’s problem. While this isn’t an exhaustive list of the issues, it’s enough to help you realise the importance of a property inspection before saying yes. Remember that even after buying the property, maintaining it will ensure that you live in harmony with the bush and all that mother nature will inevitably deliver.

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