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What therapy removes warts swiftly?


4 out of 5 Australian adults report having suffered from a wart infection at least once. Warts are rampant among children as well – affecting 22% of 4-year-olds and 24% of teenagers in Australia. Although a majority of warts disappear without medical intervention, they can be unsightly and obstruct day-to-day functioning. Therefore, many patients prefer to undergo treatment, such as Swift Wart Therapy, to remove warts promptly and effectively.

Everything About Warts

Warts are benign growths that can occur in different parts of the body. They are a result of a viral infection caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and are highly infectious.

HPV can infect anyone whose skin is damaged by cuts or blisters. Children and the elderly may be especially at risk. You can develop a wart if you come in direct contact with another wart. You can also contract them by touching a contaminated surface – such as a doorknob, towel, and razor. Warts can develop on the feet (known as plantar warts) if you walk barefoot on wet surfaces, such as near swimming pools and gym showers.

You can minimise the risk of HPV infection by getting a vaccine. Take the following precautions at swimming pools and gyms:

Warts on the hands are round bumps that may be slightly lighter in colour than your normal skin. Warts on the feet are white with dark spots in the middle. Genital warts, which are contracted through unsafe sexual practices, are almost exclusively on the genital area. Consult a health practitioner who will diagnose accurately and will guide you through appropriate treatment.

While you can take over the counter medication – such as a salicylic acid cream—to dissolve your wart, this process can take months to give you a satisfactory result. A new and effective alternative is the Swift microwave therapy.

Swift Wart Therapy:

Several factors make Swift therapy a safe alternative:

What happens during treatment?

Warts are extremely painful and can prevent you from walking normally, participating in sports – and in general, disrupt your routine. If you believe that you have plantar warts, consult your podiatrist right away and see if you are a suitable candidate for Swift therapy.

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