The Definitive Top 5 Melasma Treatment Options

The Definitive Top 5 Melasma Treatment Options

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Health, Published On
August 25, 2021

If you’ve developed Melasma and you’re self-conscious about it, you’re not alone. Melasma is a common skin disorder that affects about 5 million people in the United States alone, causing hyperpigmentation of the skin.

Even though Melasma is harmless, many people are self-conscious about the way it affects their skin. While there are many Melasma treatment options available, not all of them are equal. We’ve made a list of the 5 most effective Melasma treatment options to help you feel more confident in your skin.

The Definitive Top 5 Melasma Treatment Options


  • Hydroquinone

Hydroquinone is a skin-lightening medication used to treat Melasma and other forms of hyperpigmentation. Hydroquinone works by reducing the melanocyte cells in your skin, which will help even out pigmentation over time.

Sometimes Hydroquinone can be combined with other skin products for better treatment results. A well-known Hydroquinone combination is called Tri-Luma cream, and it also contains a corticosteroid called Fluocinolone, and Tretinoin. This triple cream can be found online for you to order now.

  • Corticosteroids

Certain types of topical corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone, work well in conjunction with Hydroquinone to treat Melasma. Hydrocortisone cream helps fade the darker pigments that come from Melasma as well.

If you’re using strong products on your skin to treat a skin disorder, sometimes you’ll develop dermatitis as a side effect. Fortunately, Hydrocortisone is good at preventing and treating dermatitis, should you develop it.

  • Methimazole

Methimazole, a thyroid medication, is also commonly used as a treatment for Melasma. While Hydroquinone is the first treatment that dermatologists will typically recommend, some patients are resistant to it and need something else, which is where methimazole comes in.

Methimazole is usually the next best treatment option, and it’s especially effective when used in conjunction with micro-needling treatments. This medication is in an oral tablet form as well as a topical cream.

  • Tretinoin

Tretinoin is a topical retinoid commonly used to treat acne; it works by promoting the growth of new, healthy skin cells to replace the old ones that cause blockages in your pores. This method of treatment also works well on Melasma by growing new cells that will cover up the hyperpigmented skin cells.

Tretinoin is sometimes combined with other agents, such as Hydroquinone and corticosteroids to provide the best treatments available. It’s even found in the triple cream that we recommended above! Tretinoin should not be used in patients who are pregnant.

  • Melasma Treatment Procedures

Prescription medications work great for many people, but not for everyone. Since Melasma can come from so many different sources, such as hormones, sun exposure, or even diet, you may not be able to treat it effectively with the methods above.

We’ve made a list of some procedures known for treating Melasma, whether alone or in conjunction with one of the medications listed above. 

  • Chemical peels
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Dermabrasion
  • Laser therapy
  • Light-based procedure

All of these treatments should be done by a dermatologist. Reach out to your doctor to see what procedures they recommend for treating your Melasma.

  • Understanding Melasma and Your Treatment Options

While Melasma can be fairly easy to identify, it’s always best to get it diagnosed by your doctor before trying any of our above Melasma treatment methods.

Your doctor can help you identify the cause of your hyperpigmentation and give you recommendations on how to stop Melasma.

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