6 Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy During Menopause

6 Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy During Menopause

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Health, Updated On
January 4th, 2022

An estimated 44% of women have used or are using hormone replacement therapy as a menopause treatment. Should you be one of them?

Menopause is the decline in reproductive hormones that all women will go through at some point, usually in middle age. With this decline in hormones comes a number of symptoms and side effects.

Hormone replacement therapy (aka HRT or hormone therapy) is a possible treatment to lessen some of these side effects. It may not be right for all women, but many will benefit from HRT.  Take a look on Generic Island to buy ESTRAVAL DEPOT INJECTION (Estradiol Valerate Injection) which helps in hormone replacement therapy.

6 Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy During Menopause

What are the benefits of hormone replacement therapy? Read on to find out.

  • Reduced Hot Flashes

Internal temperature regulation decreases during menopause and many women experience frequent hot flashes. Hormone replacement therapy can reduce the number and/or strength of hot flashes. It can also help to reduce hot flash side effects like poor sleep and brain fog.

  • Relief from Vaginal Discomfort

Reproductive hormones play a large role in vaginal regulation and cleansing. Without them, many women experience increased vaginal discomfort. Hormone replacement therapy may relieve symptoms such as vaginal thinness, dryness, or pain during intercourse.

  • Increased Bladder Control

Some women have reported that after starting hormone replacement therapy, they experienced less frequent urges to urinate. With a less overactive bladder came increased bladder control. Hormone replacement therapy may even lower the risk of developing frequent urinary tract infections.

  • Bone Protection

Estrogen is a reproductive hormone that also prevents osteoporosis. Women who no longer produce strong estrogen levels are at an increased risk of bone density loss, which can lead to osteoporosis or broken bones. Hormone replacement therapy can help reduce the risk of bone fractures and breaks later in life.

  • Lowered Risk of Heart Disease

Some women may have a lowered risk of heart disease if they use hormone replacement therapy. However, it seems that in order for this to be effective, women must begin hormone replacement therapy within ten years of beginning menopause. Talk to your doctor about whether or not hormone replacement therapy is the right choice to lower your risk of heart disease.

  • Lowered Risk of Diabetes

Recently, more studies have shown that women who use hormone replacement therapy are at a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. However, there are a variety of factors that can contribute to your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Once again, you will want to discuss this with your doctor before seeking hormone replacement therapy.

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Right for You?

Once it begins, we all want menopause advice that will help us manage symptoms and live more comfortably. For some women, hormone replacement therapy will ease symptoms and lower health risks associated with menopause. Talk to your doctor to find out more about hormone replacement therapy.

The health sector is a rapidly developing field and researchers are always finding new ways to treat existing conditions. Take a look around our health section to find out about the latest advances. Knowledge is power when it comes to your physical and mental health.

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