What steps do you take after being drawn for the Green Card lottery?

What steps do you take after being drawn for the Green Card lottery?

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In General, Updated On
April 9th, 2024

Are you one of the lucky winners of the American lottery? Congratulations! But be aware that the obstacle course has only just begun to obtain your Green Card. So where do you start once you read “You have been selected…” on your screen? Here are all the steps to take to get the precious sesame!

What steps do you take after being drawn for the Green Card lottery?

1 / Decipher your Case Number

Each selected person is assigned a number (or Case Number) according to the order of the draw. And the first thing to do is to look at it since it will condition the order of passage to the embassy. Here is an example: 2019EU000014350. This means that you have played DV2019, that you are registered for the Europe quota, and above all… that your number is 14 350. The lower this number, the more likely you are to have an interview quickly at the embassy and obtain your Green Card. (If, of course, you meet all the required conditions…).

Small reminder: Each year, the American government draws lots more than 100,000 people, while it issues only 50,000 Green Cards. This, therefore, means that more than half of those selected will never have the precious sesame in their pocket in the end, so do not rejoice too quickly. It is not because you are chosen that you will have a Green Card! In addition, you are selected for a fiscal year, which runs from September to September year on year. After this period, you lose your rights…

2 / Complete a file

2018 update: the procedure has been “simplified” because now the document to be completed is the DS260, and this is done online. However, the supporting documents to be gathered in order to put together the case remain the same.

Once you have your number in mind, you must complete a file and send it back to the KCC (Kentucky Consular Center), which manages visas, all accompanied by two identity photos in American format (5 x 5 cm), and the first printed notification letter (the one where you were told you were selected). It is pretty easy to do if you follow the instructions correctly. Remember to note your Case Number at the top right of each sheet (Americans are very picky!). Here are the two documents to fill out:

Form DS230 Part I and Part II

Part I of DS230 concerns your marital status, as well as information about your spouse and parents, the places where you lived, your various jobs, your diplomas, etc. Please note that you are asked for an address in the United States. Your Green Card will be sent to this address. You can enter a friend’s name no matter who it is; it just needs to be someone you trust!

Part II mainly consists of making declarations on their honour… Check NO everywhere.

A copy must be completed for each member of the family who will immigrate with the winner.

Form DSP122

The questions are general and ask for your address, the embassy where you wish to be interviewed (the closest to your place of residence), your professional activity, your previous employers, your studies… Nothing very complicated once again, answer clear way to questions, and above all, do not invent employers or diplomas … (Because yes, in addition to being very picky, Americans do not support lies!). Anyway, they are not crazy and will ask you for the supporting documents!

Only the winner of the Green Card, who was drawn, must complete it. The spouse and children do not fill it out.

3 / Wait until your number is current

Once you have sent your file, all you have to do is wait! But not stupidly! Every month, you have to watch the Visa Bulletin, published by the KCC, which indicates which Case Numbers will have the privilege of finally receiving an interview date at the embassy! Newsletters can be viewed at the start of each month. For example, it is possible to consult the February 2021 bulletin:

To read it, nothing could be simpler… You choose your region and look at the number next to it. Assuming you are in Europe, for February 2021, Case Numbers up to 19,100 are going to be called. A few days later, you will receive an email with a link allowing you to connect to the site on which you have viewed your results. This is where you will see the date, time, and place of your appointment. You! Noted? Come on, now is the time to go for a little check-up at the doctor!

4 / medical appointment

Once you have your interview date, you can schedule a doctor’s appointment for a chest X-ray, blood test, and check-up. Be careful; not just any doctor; he must be approved by the embassy! Above all, do not open the envelope containing the results. This is a cause of refusal at the embassy.

There is no point in making an appointment with the doctor before knowing your interview date at the embassy. The results take a week maximum to be returned if all goes well.

5 / Prepare your documents for the interview

This is the most crucial step in the process … Between the mandatory documents and those I strongly recommend, here is the list:

  • Two identity photos in American format
  • The second notification letter contains the date of the appointment at the embassy
  • Passport
  • Medical exam
  • BAC diploma + other diplomas
  • Birth certificate
  • Criminal record extract (blank, of course!)
  • Marriage certificate, if necessary
  • Documents sent in advance to KCC
  • Money to pay visa fees
  • Form I-765 application for employment authorization in the USA
  • Proof of your ability to support yourself financially in the US (bank statements, etc.)

6 / Pass the interview at the embassy

Interviews usually take place in the morning, so on D-Day, get up early and dress nicely! Well, not primarily in a suit and tie, but still try to convey a good image of yourself; I think that’s important. To enter the embassy, you will have to go through a security gate: be careful; backpacks are not allowed inside. As you are planning, you have prepared your documents at least a week in advance to check that you are not missing anything … and everything is tidy in a pocket so as not to waste time for the consular officer.

Before the “official” interview, you will be called to a first counter where someone will check your documents and ask you to pay $ 330 per person. Then you will have to wait until a second person calls you for the interview, the real one! Please take a deep breath and relax; it will be fine! Usually, it doesn’t last more than 10/15 minutes.

At the end of the interview, you will know immediately what it is:

  • You have completed your interview. The consular officer gave you a “Welcome to the USA!” and said it’s one of the happiest days of your life …
  • You have partially succeeded, and the consular agent has put you in Administrative Processing. He is missing documents or has a suspicion about something and wants to check. Have strong nerves because it can take a very long time! Remember that you must have your Green Card before September; otherwise, you will lose your rights. So hurry and provide him with the documents he wants!
  • You failed for some reason… Unfortunately, it is not possible to appeal…

7 / Wait to receive your passport containing the temporary visa!

You have completed the interview, so well done! Now you have to wait to receive your passport at home with a temporary visa, valid for six months! So you have six months (and not a day more) to set foot on American soil and trigger the production of this little piece of green plastic, renewable every ten years! If you face any difficulty related to your green card or you want to renew your 2-year green card, Dygreencard is here to assist you in the best possible way. Come on, you can now think about your new life. Have a good time settling in the US!

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