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Investor Relations Websites: The Most Trusted Source of Equity Information

Investor Relations Websites

If all the elements of your IR strategy had a popularity contest, what would you put your money on to win? As an investor relations officer, you might struggle to pick just one IR tool worthy of the top spot. But for institutional investors, the decision is much easier. Your IR site wins in a landslide.

A company’s IR website was voted the most trusted platform for news on an equity, according to the 2023 Digital Investor Survey. It earned this prestigious place in investor esteem for the third straight year despite growing trust in other digital platforms.

With such value placed on the IR website, it’s vital yours delivers on the content your visitors expect. Keep scrolling to see what that is, and how you can build a new IR website that meets these high standards.

What Do Investors Think About Your IR Website?

The multinational advisory firm Brunswick Group released its 2023 Digital Investor Survey earlier this year. It interviewed 257 buy-side investors and sell-side analysts from around the world about how they get their information online.

This annual survey revealed investors aren’t afraid to use alternative sources like Reddit and podcasts to research equities. These platforms grow in popularity each year, but no other platform can provide the worth or accuracy of a company’s IR site.

Investors ranked IR sites as the single most important source for the research and evaluation of a company. They also believed IR sites are the most accurate source of information available through traditional media, as well as information the news doesn’t typically cover.

What Do Investors Want in an IR Website?

According to those surveyed by the Brunswick Group, a good IR site is interactive. They want to explore your financials as engaging, in-page content rather than strictly downloadable information.

The top five most important content included the following:

  1. Stock Price
  2. Digital Quarterly and Annual Reports
  3. In-Page ESG Materials
  4. Interactive Investor Presentations
  5. Video Content about the Company.

While you have an obligation to share the above information as downloads, designing your site with UX in mind can help drive your value online. Making these highlights easily available in-page means visitors can assess your brand at a glance.

Talk to an IR Firm for Advice

It isn’t always easy marrying intuitive design that adheres to regulatory compliance standards, especially when you’re trying out new features.

If your in-house team doesn’t know how to proceed, an investor relations website design firm can take the reins. An experienced firm uses market-leading technology and award-winning design to create a website that drives value. These specialists also have expert knowledge of SEC and GDPR guidelines, so you can feel confident about meeting compliance with each new feature.

The best firms also offer an IR site with fully integrated analytics, so you can map the progress of your message.

With greater insight into who is interacting with your message, you can understand what drives user behavior. More importantly, you can jumpstart targeted outreach as soon as curious investors show interest, which can help you convert visitors into shareholders.

Bottom Line

Research shows investors check your IR website; make sure yours is up to this scrutiny.

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