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4 Land-Based Retailers in the UK That Accept Crypto

4 Land-Based Retailers in the UK That Accept Crypto

A growing number of businesses and retailers are beginning to accept cryptocurrencies as payment for goods or services. Although it was slow at the start, the amazing security behind blockchain technology is attracting consumers and retailers alike. If you consider for just a moment the fact that there are virtually no chargebacks eating into a retailer’s profit, that alone is reason enough to interest them in crypto.

Don’t think that credit and debit card fraud is reserved for online transactions either. There is, in fact, a great deal of identity theft and stolen cards out there. When charges are contested, the chargeback fees and loss of revenue from those products is enough to eat a major hole in a retailer’s profit. This alone is leading to greater interest among land-based retailers. For now, let’s look at a sampling of those merchants now accepting crypto in one form or another.

4 Land-Based Retailers In UK That Accept Crypto

Who doesn’t know Shopify online? Well, there are land-based merchants who also have a Shopify store on their premises. At this time, it is known that Shopify accepts Bitcoin online and, in those land-based stores in a retail establishments. They may also take other cryptos now, or at some point in the future, but for certain Bitcoin is an option.

What started out as a US chain of organic natural foods stores has grown a large presence in the UK as well. They have stores in London that not only accept the well-known Bitcoin crypto but also accept Ethereum and other stable cryptocurrencies as well. One of the things which consumers like about this is that they can access an Ethereum prices index on to get the relative value of their ETH to the GBP. It’s an amazing feature, wouldn’t you say? It pays to know exactly what you are spending in relation to your fiat.

Here is another global company with a huge presence in the UK. Lush was one of the very first global corporations to jump into the crypto pool and they’ve been swimming in the crypto pool for more than five years now. They began taking Bitcoin online in 2017 and will accept Bitpay online and in their stores as well.

As of last year, this chain of stores created by the German designer of the same name began taking cryptocurrency as payment online and in their brick-and-mortar shops around the globe. They carry fashions and accessories and one of the reasons why so many consumers prefer to shop in stores is for the ability to “try before you buy“. That coupled with the stores accepting crypto payment is leading to increased growth in almost all locations.

It is predicted that within the next few years there will be few merchants out there that won’t take some kind of crypto payment. With such heightened security and an equally growing interest among consumers, it is ‘thought’ that crypto just might overtake fiat in every country on earth, perhaps with the UK leading the charge.

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