Team Bonding: Activities To Keep Your Team Together

Team Bonding: Activities To Keep Your Team Together

Written by Alison Lurie, In Business, Updated On
May 15th, 2024

Team bonding activities allow team members to have fun together and relax. However, they don’t have any planned desired outcome or skill-learning associated with such activities.

These activities allow team members to share positive experiences, which helps them trust each other and communicate efficiently. The team bonding activities play a significant role in helping the employees enhance their soft skills like:

  • Mindful conversations and empathy
  • Confidence and self-awareness
  • Leadership and decision-making
  • Problem-solving capability and creativity

Significant Benefits of Team Bonding Activities For Employees?

Team Bonding

Once team bonding activities are executed, the teams benefit in the following ways:

  • The members feel more connected to each other as these activities encourage them to communicate freely, irrespective of cultural barriers.
  • The team is more in sync. The communication helps the members be on the same page and work effectively towards a goal.
  • The team members learn to maintain a healthy company culture around respect, positivity, and understanding.

What are some familiar team bonding activities?

Team Bonding

Some of the joint team bonding activities are listed below:

  • The Wild Goats Challenge:

It is an environmentally friendly outdoor activity. The participants are provided with a tablet. It would be best to climb the leaderboard by working with your team members to solve quizzes and puzzles or carry out missions. It is the guaranteed way of spontaneous bonding and teamwork.

  • The Race Game:

It is one of the most common outdoor team bonding activities for employees. Here, the participants are divided into different teams, and each team has to leave the starting point with a map and a clue to the first checkpoints.

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There would be exciting roadblock activities at each checkpoint and a clue to the next checkpoint. The teams will compete against each other to complete all the stations in the shortest amount of time.

  • The Big Picture:

It is an indoor activity that is art-based and stimulates thinking and creativity. Here, each team member paints pictures after visualizing their vision as a team and then creates a big art piece by combining the artworks of all the team members. A theme is provided, and specific color palettes are assigned to each team so that there is diversity in colors in the big art piece.

  • 60 seconds to win:

This team-building activity involves the players competing in a series of mini-competitions. In the minute-long tasks, the players must use everyday items to do unexpected things. For example, fishing for keys using paper clips and building towers using chopsticks.

  • Bridging The Gap:

This team-building activity requires engineering abilities and skills. For example, your team would be assigned a road segment, and you, along with your team members, would have to figure out how to build a functioning roadway using the given objects. Each team presents its segments within a time limit, and the winner is decided based on the design and engineering results.


These were just some of the many employee bonding activities you can choose amongst your teams. These activities will help your team better understand and work together towards a common goal.

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