Four ways a good UI helps improve conversion rates

Four ways a good UI helps improve conversion rates

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Business, Marketing, UI/UX, Updated On
April 29th, 2024

Today, more than half of the world’s population relies on mobile phones or laptops for every purpose, whether work-related or online purchasing. Using this knowledge, businesses have diverted their attention to improving the quality of website design to provide customers with a better user experience. Website design and usability are the two critical factors determining the quality of the owner’s site and affecting the customer experience. How all of this is interrelated is further explained.

Suppose you visited a website to buy something but couldn’t figure out how to traverse the page, leading to closing the current site and searching elsewhere. The reason why you closed the first website was due to the unattractive or low-quality user interface design. User interface design is a pathway between the user and the website. It encompasses every aspect of how every business website interacts with the user, from general design to the amount of available information.

Most websites fail to make an impression because they deliver the elements needed to attract users and generate traffic. The back-end design of the website, from icons to the menu, ensures the audience has a front-end technology experience. One of the main reasons user interface is also essential is visual search, which has gained momentum in recent years. It has offered people the comfort of buying with the help of advanced image search technology, thus setting a high bar for every retailer to meet customers’ needs.

An effective user interface design increases traffic and helps with conversion rates. According to an article published in The Guardian, it takes 0.1 seconds to make a first impression; for websites, forming an opinion takes even less.

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The number of visitors buying from your website is determined by their online experience, which depends on several factors like the website’s speed, font, symmetry, and product visibility. Attention to detail is what converts potential visitors into customers. If you want to grow your business online and gain numerous customers, here are a few tips on increasing conversion rates with a good User interface.

Four ways a good UI helps improve conversion rates

Four ways a good UI helps improve conversion rate

Work on the Call to Action button

  • In most cases, visitors close your website even after finalizing a purchase because they couldn’t find the call to action button.
  • As evident from the name, this button allows customers to buy an item, share feedback, or sign up for a service.
  • Its location must catch the customer’s eye for a practical CTA button. Most businesses’ sites perform poorly because they don’t have a CTA link or a button.
  • So, what sets apart an attractive CTA? Let’s take a look.
  • Remember that the audience should know what to do when visiting your website, and make sure the CTA is concise and to the point. Examples of a good CTA button or link are Shop, Order Now, Buy Now, or Download.
  • The purpose of CTA is to offer a solution to the customer’s problem. Therefore, one effective strategy to attract customers is highlighting their problems before providing the solution.
  • One crucial factor in expanding the customer chain is the placement of the CTA button. For instance, if the page is small and contains little information, place the CTA above and below the folder for longer pages.
  • Your goal is maximising conversion rates; implementing these strategies is critical.
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Website navigation

  • When businesses build an e-commerce website, the goal is to convert visitors into buyers. Website navigation plays a significant role in helping companies achieve this goal.
  • Users get easily frustrated when they experience roadblocks and cannot find what they seek, eventually leading to a high bounce rate. On the other hand, a well-optimized website adds value to the customer experience.
  • Hence, for a smooth shopping experience, work on website navigation by ensuring the standard elements like the menu bar are highlighted and easy to navigate, making the website more accessible.
  • Ensure the website is limited to a few items because a cluttered homepage only puts off customers. To improve product visibility, arrange the products in the general hierarchy into specific ones to provide straightforward navigation.
  • Consumers today want solutions without investing effort or time, which is what predictive search or autocomplete ensures. To enhance user experience, websites provide suggestions accordingly based on user queries.

Optimize loading speed

  • Many businesses believe that to increase conversion rates, all they need to do is set up a website with every element in the right place. However, that is not the entire picture; a website’s loading speed plays a huge role.
  • It takes less than 5 seconds to load a webpage; if it takes more than that, consider optimizing the loading speed.
  • One way of optimizing the loading speed is to compress files without compromising the quality. It reduces load times, and the standard practice is to use GZIP.
  • This type of file format locates strings of similar code in your text files, temporarily replacing them to reduce the file size.
  • Another method is choosing suitable hosting options; although new site owners usually choose the cheapest option, an upgrade is required once traffic increases.
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Include Chat Bots

  • Even with all the relevant information products users seek, they are likely to have queries that need answers, which is what having a chatbot is about.
  • Besides helping users with their queries, chatbots convey product information depending on their activity. The fundamental strategy to increase conversion rates is to retain customers’ interest and keep them engaged.
  • Surprising the buyer with an offer or a friendly message is an effective tool for ensuring they complete their checkout. Chatbots are efficient because they interpret and process user phrases to provide an instant pre-set answer, thus streamlining customer service.
  • Along with including chatbots, work on improving the bot to make it conversational and enhance customer interaction.


A website’s user interface is significant when every individual relies on the Internet for various tasks. The sole purpose of the user interface is to enhance the website’s functionality and meet customers’ expectations.

Every business owner has gradually accepted the advanced era of living, ultimately compelling them to work on ways to double their profit and beat the competition.

A reasonable user interval is key to depicting what the customer demands. Following the mentioned tips ensures your product is more accessible to the buyers and urges them to return for more.

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