Feedbro Alternatives | Similar Sites Like Feedbro

Feedbro Alternatives | Similar Sites Like Feedbro

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Alternatives, Published On
January 24, 2023

Feedbro is an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed reader that allows users to keep track of multiple websites and their updates in one place. It has several features that make it a powerful tool for staying up-to-date with the latest news and information:

  1. Multi-platform support: Feedbro is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
  2. Customizable interface: Users can customize the layout and appearance of the feed reader to suit their preferences.
  3. Smart filters: Feedbro allows users to filter and sort their feeds based on keywords, authors, and other criteria.
  4. Offline reading: Users can save articles for offline reading, making it easy to catch up on the news when they don’t have an internet connection.
  5. Multi-language support: Feedbro supports multiple languages, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
  6. Integration with other apps: Users can integrate Feedbro with other apps such as Evernote, Pocket, and OneNote to save and share articles.
  7. Import/export: Users can import or export their feeds and subscriptions, making it easy to switch to a different RSS reader.
  8. Automatic updates: Feedbro automatically updates feeds, ensuring that users never miss an important article.

Overall, Feedbro offers a convenient and powerful way to stay up-to-date with the latest news and information from multiple websites.

Top 9 Feedbro Alternatives



Feedly is a popular news aggregator and RSS feed reader that allows users to organize and discover new content from their favorite websites and blogs.

Some of its key features include:

  1. Customizable feeds: Users can create custom feeds by adding RSS feeds from their favorite websites and blogs, and then organizing them into different categories or folders.
  2. Article recommendations: Feedly uses machine learning algorithms to recommend articles and content that are relevant to the user’s interests.
  3. Search and discovery: Users can search for new content by keyword, topic, or website, and can also discover new content by browsing through popular topics or categories.
  4. Sharing and collaboration: Users can share articles with others and collaborate on content by creating shared feeds or boards.
  5. Mobile apps: Feedly offers mobile apps for iOS and Android, allowing users to access their feeds and content on the go.
  6. Integrations: Feedly integrates with other popular apps and services, such as Evernote, OneNote, and Pocket, making it easy to save and share articles.
  7. Personalization: Users can personalize their Feedly experience by adjusting settings, customizing the layout, and changing the colors and fonts.



Inoreader is a news aggregator and RSS reader that allows users to subscribe to and read content from multiple sources in one place.

Some of its key features include:

  1. Customizable interface: Users can customize their feed layout, font size, and other settings to suit their preferences.
  2. Smart feed sorting: Inoreader automatically sorts and organizes articles based on their relevance, popularity, and other criteria.
  3. Advanced search: Users can search for specific articles or keywords within their feeds, and even filter results by date, author, and other criteria.
  4. Article tagging: Users can tag articles with keywords, making it easy to find and organize them later.
  5. Offline reading: Inoreader allows users to save articles for offline reading, so they can access them even when they’re not connected to the internet.
  6. Sharing and collaboration: Users can share articles with others, and even collaborate on them by adding comments, annotations, and tags.
  7. Integrations: Inoreader can integrate with other apps and services, such as Evernote, OneNote, and Pocket, making it easy to save articles and access them later.
  8. Mobile app: Inoreader has a mobile app for iOS and Android, making it easy to read articles and manage your feeds on the go.



QuiteRSS is a free, open-source RSS reader for Windows, Linux, and Mac. It allows users to easily subscribe to and read RSS feeds from various sources, including news websites, blogs, and podcasts.

Some of the features of QuiteRSS include:

  • Feed subscriptions: Users can subscribe to RSS feeds from any website that offers them. Feeds can be organized into categories for easy navigation.
  • News feed reading: Users can read the latest news and updates from their subscribed feeds in a clean and easy-to-read interface.
  • Feed updates: QuiteRSS automatically checks for new updates to subscribed feeds and displays them in the news feed.
  • Search: Users can search for specific articles within their subscribed feeds.
  • Customizable interface: Users can customize the appearance of the news feed and the application itself with different color schemes and font sizes.
  • Offline reading: Users can save articles for offline reading.
  • Portable mode: QuiteRSS can be run in portable mode, allowing users to take it with them on a USB drive.
  • Multi-language support: QuiteRSS supports several different languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, and more.
  • Import and export: Users can import and export their feed subscriptions and settings.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: Users can navigate and control QuiteRSS using keyboard shortcuts.

Overall, QuiteRSS is a powerful and flexible RSS reader that allows users to easily stay updated on the latest news and updates from their favorite websites and blogs.

Tiny Tiny RSS

Tiny Tiny RSS

Tiny Tiny RSS (TT-RSS) is an open-source, self-hosted RSS feed reader that allows users to subscribe to and read RSS feeds.

Some of its key features include:

  • Feed organization: TT-RSS allows users to organize their feeds into categories and tags, making it easy to keep track of and find specific content.
  • Article management: Users can mark articles as read, starred, or shared, and can also save articles for later reading.
  • Search and filtering: TT-RSS has a built-in search function that allows users to search for specific articles or keywords, and also offers filtering options to help users find the content they’re looking for.
  • Mobile compatibility: TT-RSS is optimized for mobile devices, making it easy to read feeds on the go.
  • Customizable interface: Users can customize the look and feel of the TT-RSS interface to suit their preferences.
  • Third-party integration: TT-RSS supports integration with other services such as Google Reader, Twitter, and Feedly.
  • Multi-user support: TT-RSS allows multiple users to access and manage their own feeds, making it a great option for teams or families.
  • Extensibility: TT-RSS has a plugin system that allows users to extend its functionality with additional features and services.

Overall, TT-RSS is a powerful and customizable RSS feed reader that offers a wide range of features for managing and reading RSS feeds.



Newsblur is a news aggregator and reader application that allows users to subscribe to and read news from multiple sources in one place.

Some of its features include:

  1. Personalization: Users can customize their feeds by adding their own sources, creating folders, and tagging articles.
  2. Smart Training: Newsblur uses machine learning to learn the user’s reading preferences and show them more relevant stories.
  3. Sharing and Collaboration: Users can share articles with friends and collaborate on shared folders.
  4. Offline Reading: Users can save articles to read offline.
  5. Multi-Device Syncing: Users can access their feeds and saved articles on multiple devices.
  6. Text View: Users can read articles in a text-only view to save data and improve readability.
  7. Social Integration: Users can connect their Facebook and Twitter accounts to share articles on those platforms.
  8. Search: Users can search for specific articles or keywords in their feeds.
  9. Mobile App: Newsblur has a mobile app for iOS and Android devices.
  10. Premium Subscription: Users can upgrade to a premium subscription for additional features such as more feeds, folders, and text view options.



Flipboard is a popular news and social media aggregator that allows users to discover, share and save content from a variety of sources. The app is available on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and web browsers.

Some of the key features of Flipboard include:

  1. Personalized content: Users can create their own “magazines” by curating content from a variety of sources, including news outlets, blogs, and social media accounts.
  2. Social integration: Flipboard allows users to connect their social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to see posts and updates from their friends and family.
  3. Discoverability: The app features a “discover” section that allows users to explore new content and topics, and find new sources to follow.
  4. Offline reading: Users can save articles and other content for offline reading, making it easy to catch up on the news when they don’t have an internet connection.
  5. Push notifications: Flipboard can send notifications to users when new content is available in their magazines or when their friends and family have shared new posts.
  6. Search: Users can search for specific content or topics within the app, making it easy to find exactly what they’re looking for.
  7. Article recommendations: Flipboard suggests articles based on your interests and reading history.
  8. Audio stories: Users can listen to stories in a podcast-like format, while they do other tasks.
  9. Sharing: Users can share content with their friends and followers directly from the app.
  10. Customizable layout: Users can customize the layout of their Flipboard by adjusting the size of images and text, and choosing from a variety of color schemes.



Reeder is a popular RSS reader app for iOS and macOS. It allows users to subscribe to and view RSS feeds from various news sources and blogs.

Some of its features include:

  • Syncing with popular RSS services such as Feedly, Inoreader, and Feedbin
  • Customizable layout and theme options
  • Ability to share articles via social media, email, or other apps
  • Offline reading mode
  • Customizable swipe actions for individual articles
  • Article filtering and search
  • Keyboard shortcuts for easy navigation
  • Integration with popular read-it-later apps such as Pocket and Instapaper
  • Push notifications for new articles from specific feeds or sources.

Feeder RSS feed reader

Feeder RSS feed reader

A feeder RSS feed reader is a software or app that allows users to subscribe to and read RSS feeds from various websites and blogs.

Some of the features of a feeder RSS feed reader include:

  1. Feed subscription: Users can add and manage RSS feeds from different websites and blogs by subscribing to them.
  2. Feed organization: Users can organize their feeds into different categories or folders for easy access and reading.
  3. Offline reading: Users can save RSS feeds for offline reading and access them even when they are not connected to the internet.
  4. Notifications: Users can receive notifications when new content is published on their subscribed feeds.
  5. Search function: Users can search for specific keywords or phrases in their subscribed feeds.
  6. Sharing: Users can share RSS feeds or articles with others through social media or email.
  7. Customizable layout: Users can customize the layout and display of their RSS feeds according to their preferences.
  8. Multi-platform support: Feeder RSS feed readers are available for multiple platforms such as Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.
  9. Integrated browser: Some feeder RSS feed readers have an integrated browser that allows users to view articles within the app, instead of having to open a separate web browser.
  10. Syncing: Users can sync their RSS feed subscriptions and reading progress across multiple devices.



Netvibes is a web-based platform that allows users to create custom dashboards for monitoring and organizing their online content.

Some of its key features include:

  1. Customizable dashboards: Users can create multiple dashboards, each with its own set of widgets and layout. They can also choose from a wide variety of widgets, including RSS feeds, social media streams, calendars, and weather forecasts.
  2. Content curation: Netvibes allows users to curate content from multiple sources and organize it in a way that makes sense for them. This includes the ability to filter, tag, and search for content.
  3. Social media monitoring: Netvibes provides a variety of tools for monitoring social media activity, including mentions, hashtags, and competitor activity.
  4. Analytics: Netvibes provides detailed analytics on website traffic, social media activity, and other metrics. This allows users to track the performance of their content and make data-driven decisions.
  5. Integration: Netvibes can integrate with a variety of other platforms, including Google Analytics, MailChimp, Salesforce, and more.
  6. Mobile app: Netvibes also has a mobile app for iOS and Android, which allows users to access their dashboards and content on the go.
  7. Security: Netvibes uses a variety of security measures to protect user data and ensure that it is safe and secure.
  8. Collaboration: Netvibes has a team feature that allows teams to work together on a shared dashboard and collaborate on content curation.
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