16 Creative Ways to Solve Automation Testing Challenges 

16 Creative Ways to Solve Automation Testing Challenges 

Written by Alison Lurie, In software, Technology, Published On
December 9, 2022

In today’s agile software development environments, having a good test automation solution is a must. Smoke and regression tests benefit greatly from automation, which also makes it simple for QA teams to build and run complex test cases. There are many tools for automation testing, from the likes of Selenium WebDriver to Hyperexecute, Cypress, and more that are very helpful when it comes to automating test scenarios, but there are likely to be many obstacles when attempting to automate testing. In most cases, there is a solution, and this article will show you how to mitigate automation testing challenges.

16 Best Ways to Solve Automation Testing Challenges

Automation Testing Challenges

By automating software testing, we may reduce the time and effort needed to get a good result and maximize the coverage we can achieve in a given amount of time. Manually running the same tests would take hours, but can now be done in minutes.

  • Communication

In software testing, communication problems can be a hindrance. It’s possible for the development and testing teams to have trouble communicating with one another. There could be confusion over what exactly has to be tested and whether or not it meets the requirements. Achieving effective two-way communication between the two groups is crucial for avoiding such problems. To prevent these kinds of problems, it’s crucial for the team to have open lines of communication.

  • Finding the right skills

In the same way that automation is useless without the proper tool, tools themselves are useless if they are not operated by people with the right skills. Although test scripts can be recorded and replayed, most test automation tools are useless unless they are operated by people with the expertise to construct and maintain automation frameworks, solutions, and test scripts. Furthermore, they need to be able to fix any sudden technological problems that may arise. They usually need familiarity with the framework’s design and implementation protocols due to the fact that automation frameworks might vary in their features and usability. To avoid the need for extensive technical knowledge and coding skills, you may want to think about Low code or No-Code solution as an alternative.

  • Inadequate resources

Limited or insufficient resources are another issue that can arise during software testing.

Both hardware and software assets come under this challenge. It’s possible that the program will require cross-platform testing. There may be an insufficient number of testers to adequately test the software. Maybe there aren’t enough licenses for the necessary testing software. Having a good plan to handle limited resources is crucial. Incorporating methods for automating routine tasks should be part of this strategy.

  • Handling changes

Adapting to new circumstances is another obstacle that must be overcome during software testing. Software testers may need to keep up with ongoing updates to the program they’re evaluating. Additionally, they need to guarantee that the test cases are still relevant and cover all the new features. Have a system in place to adapt to new circumstances. The development team and the testing team should both adhere to this procedure.

  • Time Restraints

Time restrictions are a major obstacle in software testing. Due to time constraints, further testing of the software may not be possible before it must be deployed. Alternatively, you may be working under a strict time constraint. Prepare in advance for time limits. Automation and parallel testing are two key components that should be accounted for in this strategy.

  • Lack of documentation

Finding the faulty test case in a large test suite can be difficult if a single test in the suite fails. In such a situation, logging can be a lifesaver, as placing console logs at strategic points in the test code can help get a deeper understanding of the code and narrow down the source of the problem. Therefore, in cases where doing so can help you determine the root cause of a problem, it is advised that you include logs at the error (and/or critical) level.

  • Poor Quality Control Procedures

One of the difficulties with software testing is inadequate testing. If the software wasn’t properly tested before being deployed, this might occur. This can cause faults and errors in the software that could have been prevented with additional testing time. Before releasing the software, be sure it has undergone extensive testing. This has the potential to reduce the prevalence of software bugs and enhance overall product quality.

  • Selecting an Appropriate Testing Environment and Equipment

Poor results from an otherwise excellent Automation Test Plan can occur if the wrong decision is chosen for the test framework or instrument. It is critical to the testing process to carefully select a Test framework or tool. Teams will have to research the tools and take the available budget into account before making a decision, which will vary depending on the type and scope of automated testing being performed. Choose tools based on the needs of the project and the resources at your disposal. And most crucially, if you intend to switch your test suite to a new framework, you must decide on a migration strategy.

  • Instability

As the software is likely to evolve over time, so too must the testers. They should also check that the test cases are still relevant and that they cover all the new features. Having a procedure in place to address changes is crucial. Every member of the development and testing teams must adhere to this procedure. Also, the hardware or software being tested may be deemed unstable. The server on which the program is installed may itself be dynamic. Alternatively, there could be regular hardware upgrades. This can make it challenging to monitor the test environment for stability and keep up with the changes.

  • Incompatibilities

The presence of incompatibilities is a significant obstacle in software testing. The program may have to function on a wide variety of platforms, browsers, and hardware. The program may not be tested as completely as needed because of this. Having a strategy, such as running compatibility tests, to handle incompatibilities is crucial. Emulators and simulators should be a part of this strategy.

  • Prioritization

In software testing, prioritizing your testing efforts might be difficult. There may be a requirement to test the program under a variety of conditions. Since this is the case, it can be tough to prioritize test cases. You need a strategy to overcome this difficulty. Included in this strategy is the creation of a prioritized list of test cases.

  • Defect management

Automation Testing Challenges

A further obstacle, defect management, must be handled if we are to ensure that software testing proceeds easily and without hitch. It’s possible that various software flaws may need to be tested. As a result, keeping track of all the issues may be challenging.

Having a strategy in place to address defect management is essential. Bug-tracking software is an essential part of this strategy.

  • Simulation of Production Settings for Testing

The need to recreate production environments for testing is another issue with software testing. Testing the software in various settings may be necessary. As a result, recreating the test environment may be challenging. Preparedness is key in facing this difficulty. The use of virtual machines is an essential part of this strategy.

  • Knowing when to start and end testing

Test managers struggle with the question of when to initiate a test and when to call it quits. If automated testing is implemented too early in the software development life cycle, it might delay releases to production. The first piece of advice that can be beneficial is to perform manual testing. The engineers will know when the system is stable enough for automated testing if they begin with manual testing. When your team is confident that a particular feature or activity can be automated, the workflow improves because everyone is on the same page as far as expected completion times are concerned.

  • Handling Data from Tests

It might be challenging to keep track of all the data generated during software testing. Testing the software in the real world may require several different data sets. This could make it difficult to manage extremely large test datasets. Having a strategy ready to deal with this issue is essential. The approach would not be complete without a test data management solution.

  • A lack of transparency

A further issue in software testing is the absence of a linkage between requirements and tests. It’s possible that the program will need to be validated in multiple contexts. Because of this, keeping track of all the requirements may be challenging. The absence of a strategy for handling this difficulty is unacceptable. This approach should include things like adopting a requirements management platform.


You can prevent the failure of the software development project by implementing these tactics to cope with the challenges presented by software testing.LambdaTest can be of great assistance to your website and application testing needs if you are looking for a dependable automation tool. The platform provides instant access to 3000+ desktop and mobile environments for browser and app compatibility testing, as well as the ability to run Selenium, Cypress, Puppeteer, Playwright, and Appium automation tests on dependable, scalable, and secure cloud-based infrastructure.

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