The Brief and Only Oral Surgery Aftercare Guide You’ll Ever Need
Did you know that poor oral hygiene can cause you to have serious health problems that extend beyond your mouth? Studies have shown a link between dental health and endocarditis, which is an infection of the inner lining of your heart valves or chambers.
There are even studies that suggest a connection between poor oral health and cardiovascular disease!
If you have any oral issues, surgery may be your only option, but once you leave the dentist’s chair you aren’t out of the woods yet. Oral surgery aftercare is just as important as the actual surgery itself!
Read on to learn how to take care of your mouth after surgery!
Follow Your Dentist’s Orders
Before you leave, your dentist will give you a packet of information that details what you should do during your recovery. They’ll tell you the best oral hygiene practices for after your procedure, whether you should rest or can go back to work, and give you a general recovery timeline.
If your dentist recommends that you take it easy, do so. Pushing yourself past what your dentist recommends will only prolong recovery. You should also pay attention to your recovery timeline and expected side effects.
Watch What You Eat
After your oral surgery, you’ll want to eat soft foods that are warm and have plenty of nutrition. If you’re going to have a long recovery, you may need to take supplements.
Foods that are too hot or cold can lead to pain. Chewy foods may stick to your dental work, and spicy foods could also make any openings hurt.
If you check out this dentist in Greenville now, they’ll advise you to avoid chewing on the side where the surgery took place for at least a week. After one week, you can start eating soft foods.
Keep Swelling and Pain Down
After dental work, your face may swell and bruise. Using an ice pack will help both issues. Keep an ice pack handy and use it in 30-minute increments, switching sides as needed.
If your dentist gives you pain medicine, use it as prescribed. Never take more than they give you, and many pain medicines can lead to side effects and dependency.
Manage Bleeding
You’ll probably have bleeding for a day after your surgery. This is a normal part of the healing process. Your dentist should give you some gauze to put at the incision site to help control it.
You’ll put this gauze on the site of the bleeding and gently bite down on it. It isn’t the most pleasant experience or taste, but it’s an important part of the process.
You should also stay away from straws, sodas, alcohol, and smoking. These will stop your incision point from clotting and prolong any issues you might face.
Follow Your Dentist’s Oral Surgery Aftercare Advice
The most important thing to remember is that you should call your dentist if you run into any problems after your surgery. You might not want to make a return trip to your dentist, but you don’t want an infection or other issue to occur.
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