How to Keep New TikTok Trends?

How to Keep New TikTok Trends?

Written by Ramsay, In Marketing, Updated On
July 5th, 2024

TikTok has revolutionized the social media landscape, becoming a dominant platform for viral content and trends. From dance challenges to creative effects, TikTok trends can catapult users into the limelight almost overnight. With millions of active users globally, staying ahead of these trends is crucial for both influencers and businesses to maintain a compelling presence.

However, the rapid pace at which trends evolve can pose a challenge for content creators and marketers alike. To stay relevant, one must adopt effective strategies to track, participate in, and leverage these trends. This article delves into practical tips for keeping up with TikTok trends, ensuring your content remains engaging and impactful.

1. Stay Active on TikTok

Engage Daily

One of the most straightforward yet effective strategies to keep up with TikTok trends is to remain active on the platform. Allocate time each day to browse the “For You” page, where TikTok curates content based on user behavior and trending topics. This page is a goldmine for discovering what’s currently popular and gaining insights into emerging trends.

Follow Trendsetters

Identify and follow creators who consistently set trends or have a significant influence within your niche. These users often pioneer or popularize new trends, providing inspiration and a competitive edge. Pay attention to their content styles, hashtags, and interactions with their audience.

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Use Trend Monitoring Tools

There are tools and websites dedicated to tracking TikTok trends, such as TrendTok or Pentos. These platforms offer insights into trending hashtags, songs, and challenges. Regularly consulting these resources can help you stay updated without manually scouring TikTok for the latest trends.

2. Participate in Challenges

Join Viral Challenges

Participating in viral challenges is essential for staying relevant on TikTok. Challenges often become trending topics and participating in them can increase your visibility. Make sure to use the official hashtag associated with the challenge to enhance discoverability.

Create Your Own Challenges

Consider creating your own challenges if you have a substantial following. This can engage your audience, foster a sense of community, and encourage user-generated content. Promote your challenge across your social media channels to maximize participation.

Collaborate in Challenges

Joining forces with other creators for challenges can amplify your reach. Collaborative efforts can introduce you to new audiences and enhance your content’s appeal. Whether it’s a duet or a group challenge, collaboration can drive engagement and visibility.

3. Collaborate with Other Creators

Network Within Your Niche

Building relationships with other creators in your niche can lead to fruitful collaborations. These partnerships allow you to share audiences and create content that appeals to a broader demographic. Collaboration can range from co-creating videos to participating in each other’s challenges.

Leverage Influencer Networks

Influencer networks and agencies often facilitate collaborations and trend-based campaigns. Engaging with these networks can open doors to new opportunities and trends that you might otherwise miss.

Feature Guest Appearances

Invite other creators for guest appearances in your videos or participate in theirs. This cross-pollination of audiences can significantly boost your visibility and keep you attuned to the latest trends within different circles.

4. Monitor Your Analytics

Use TikTok Analytics

TikTok provides built-in analytics for Pro Accounts, offering insights into your content’s performance. Metrics such as engagement rate, views, and shares can reveal which types of content resonate with your audience. Regularly analyzing these metrics helps you adapt your content strategy to align with current trends.

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Track Audience Demographics

Understanding your audience’s demographics and preferences is crucial. Analytics tools can provide data on your followers’ age, location, and active hours, helping you tailor your content to better match their interests and engage with trends that appeal to them.

Adjust Based on Performance

Experiment with different types of content and formats. Use your analytics to identify successful strategies and areas for improvement. Pivot quickly based on what works, and don’t be afraid to abandon content types that aren’t performing well in favor of trending ones.

5. Experiment with New Formats

Embrace TikTok’s Features

TikTok offers a variety of creative tools, including filters, effects, and music. Regularly experimenting with these features can keep your content fresh and in line with current trends. For example, try using a trending filter or effect in your videos to enhance their appeal.

Innovate with Content Types

Explore different content formats such as tutorials, behind-the-scenes videos, and storytelling. Trends on TikTok are not limited to challenges; they also encompass styles and formats. Adapting these formats to your niche can keep your content engaging and relevant.

Duet and Stitch

Duet and Stitch features allow you to interact with other users’ videos creatively. These features are often used in trends, and participating can provide your content with a trending boost. Use them to add your twist to existing viral content or collaborate with other creators.

6. Engage with Your Audience

Foster Interaction

Engage actively with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and tags. This interaction builds a sense of community around your content and encourages followers to participate in trends. A responsive creator often has a more loyal and engaged audience.

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Solicit Feedback

Ask your audience for feedback and suggestions on what they’d like to see. This can provide valuable insights into emerging trends and help you create content that resonates with your followers. Conduct polls or Q&A sessions to gather their input.

Create Interactive Content

Content that encourages audience participation, such as polls or Q&A videos, can boost engagement and align with trends that emphasize interactivity. Engaging content often becomes viral, propelling you into trending conversations.

7. Stay Authentic

Maintain Your Brand Voice

While it’s essential to adapt to trends, maintaining your authenticity is equally crucial. Ensure that your content remains consistent with your brand voice and values. Authenticity builds trust with your audience and distinguishes your content from others.

Incorporate Trends Creatively

Find creative ways to integrate trends into your content without compromising your brand’s identity. Adapt trends to fit your style rather than altering your style to fit the trend. This balance helps you stay relevant while maintaining originality.

Avoid Over-Reliance on Trends

Relying solely on trends can lead to a lack of unique content. Balance trend-based content with original ideas that reflect your brand’s unique perspective. This approach ensures long-term engagement and a distinctive presence on TikTok.


Staying on top of TikTok trends requires a combination of vigilance, creativity, and strategic engagement. By actively participating in challenges, collaborating with other creators, monitoring analytics, experimenting with new formats, engaging with your audience, and maintaining authenticity, you can ensure your content remains relevant and engaging.

TikTok’s dynamic nature offers endless opportunities for growth and visibility. Embrace these strategies to navigate the ever-changing landscape of TikTok trends, and watch your content thrive in the vibrant world of viral videos and challenges.

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