How to Protect Hair During the Cold Season

How to Protect Hair During the Cold Season

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In General, How To, Updated On
April 14th, 2024

Hair deterioration is a natural phenomenon in the cold season when the scalp is exposed to additional stress. Snow, cold air, and icy gusts of wind are just some of the factors that can negatively affect hair conditions in winter. And if we remember that winter is a traditional time for a lack of vitamins in the body, then the question of protecting hair in the cold season becomes very relevant.

How to Protect Hair During the Cold Season

Pick the proper headgear.

The purpose of headgear in winter is to protect the scalp from the cold while allowing it to breathe. Therefore, you should choose a hat made from natural fibres and remember to take it off indoors. Winter beanies are also very effective in protecting your head and hair. Please go to the Blank Beanie wholesale website to get some affordable ones.

And remember: being in the cold below -5 ̊C without a headdress is dangerous not only for hair but also threatens diseases such as meningitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc. Choose clothes with a comfortable hood if you don’t want to ruin a beautiful hairstyle with a hat.

Moisturizing hair

Consuming a lot of liquid (at least 2 litres of water daily) is recommended to restore the body’s water balance and protect hair from drying out. Good advice: Get a humidifier. When the heating system and various electric heaters are working around the clock, humidifying the air will be very beneficial for the health of your hair.

It also doesn’t hurt to buy a shampoo or hair conditioner with a moisturizing effect. Now, almost every brand of hair care products has a line for the cold season.

More vitamins

Have you noticed that hair falls out much more intensively at the end of winter than at the beginning? It happens because of the unavailability of vitamins in a person, which leads to weak hair and head. A healthy and balanced diet is the key to keeping your hair intact. Nowadays, even in winter, providing yourself with nutrition rich in vitamins and trace elements for healthy hair is not complicated. Special vitamin supplements are, of course, a good help, but the substances obtained from fresh products are absorbed by the body faster and to a greater extent.

Strengthen your hair in winter.

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Hair has become weak, brittle and dull; the volume does not hold, and the ends split. During the cold season, this is a natural phenomenon. So why not nourish your weakened hair? Decoctions of medicinal plants (tansy, hops, burdock roots) have nutritional properties which you can easily find in any pharmacy. There are also a vast number of traditional recipes for weakened hair masks. For example, take to mix two yolks.5 cups of kefir. Apply the resulting mixture to unwashed hair for 20 minutes, and then rinse with moderately cool water.

In addition to folk recipes, there are special shampoos to strengthen hair. Check with your trichologist which is suitable for your hair type, and use it during the cold season.

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